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Building Transversal Solidarities in European Cities: Open Harbours, Safe Communities, Home
Critical Sociology ( IF 1.611 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0896920520980522
Ilker Ataç 1 , Kim Rygiel 2 , Maurice Stierl 3

Over the past years, we have seen a rise in political mobilisations in EUrope and elsewhere, by and in solidarity with migrant newcomers. This article focuses on specific examples of what we conceptualise as transversal solidarities by and with migrants, and rooted in the city, the focus of this special issue. The examples we explore in this article include: Trampoline House, a civil society organisation which provides a home to migrant newcomers in Copenhagen; Queer Base, an activist organisation in Vienna providing support for LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer) migrants; and finally, the Palermo Charter Process, a coalition of diverse groups seeking to create open harbours and ‘corridors of solidarity’, from the Mediterranean to cities throughout EUrope. While these examples are situated in and across different urban spaces, they share a common grounding in building solidarity through spaces of encounters related to ideas of home, community, and harbour. By exploring these distinct solidarity initiatives in tandem, we examine, on the one hand, how the production of spaces of encounters is linked to building transversal solidarities and, on the other, how transversal solidarities also connect different spaces of solidarity across different political scales.



在过去的几年中,我们看到,在移民欧洲新移民的拥护下,欧盟绳索和其他地方的政治动员有所增加。本文重点介绍一些具体的示例,这些示例将我们概念化为移民之间以及与移民之间的横向团结,并根植于本期特刊的城市城市。我们在本文中探讨的示例包括:蹦床之家,一个民间社会组织,为哥本哈根的移民新移民提供住所;Queer Base,维也纳的一个激进组织,为LGBTIQ(女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,变性者,双性恋和酷儿)移民提供支持;最后是巴勒莫宪章进程,这是一个由不同的团体组成的联盟,旨在创建从地中海到整个EUrope的开放港口和“团结走廊”。尽管这些示例位于不同的城市空间中或在不同的城市空间中,但它们通过与家庭,社区港口等概念相关的相遇空间在建立团结方面有着共同的基础。通过一路探索这些独特的团结倡议,我们一方面考察相遇空间的产生如何与建立横向团结相联系,另一方面,横向团结如何将不同政治规模的不同团结空间联系起来。
