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The sale of heritage on eBay: Market trends and cultural value
Big Data & Society ( IF 8.731 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2053951720968865
Mark Altaweel 1 , Tasoula Georgiou Hadjitofi 2

The marketisation of heritage has been a major topic of interest among heritage specialists studying how the online marketplace shapes sales. Missing from that debate is a large-scale analysis seeking to understand market trends on popular selling platforms such as eBay. Sites such as eBay can inform what heritage items are of interest to the wider public, and thus what is potentially of greater cultural value, while also demonstrating monetary value trends. To better understand the sale of heritage on eBay’s international site, this work applies named entity recognition using conditional random fields, a method within natural language processing, and word dictionaries that inform on market trends. The methods demonstrate how Western markets, particularly the US and UK, have dominated sales for different cultures. Roman, Egyptian, Viking (Norse/Dane) and Near East objects are sold the most. Surprisingly, Cyprus and Egypt, two countries with relatively strict prohibition against the sale of heritage items, make the top 10 selling countries on eBay. Objects such as jewellery, statues and figurines, and religious items sell in relatively greater numbers, while masks and vessels (e.g. vases) sell at generally higher prices. Metal, stone and terracotta are commonly sold materials. More rare materials, such as those made of ivory, papyrus or wood, have relatively higher prices. Few sellers dominate the market, where in some months 40% of sales are controlled by the top 10 sellers. The tool used for the study is freely provided, demonstrating benefits in an automated approach to understanding sale trends.


eBay 上的遗产销售:市场趋势和文化价值

遗产市场化一直是遗产专家研究在线市场如何影响销售的主要话题。这场辩论没有进行大规模分析,旨在了解 eBay 等流行销售平台上的市场趋势。eBay 等网站可以告知更广泛的公众对哪些遗产项目感兴趣,从而了解哪些具有更大的文化价值,同时还展示了货币价值趋势。为了更好地了解 eBay 国际网站上的遗产销售,这项工作使用条件随机字段、自然语言处理中的方法和告知市场趋势的单词词典应用命名实体识别。这些方法展示了西方市场,尤其是美国和英国,如何主导不同文化的销售。罗马、埃及、维京(北欧/丹麦)和近东物品的销量最高。令人惊讶的是,塞浦路斯和埃及这两个禁止销售文物物品的国家相对严格,却成为eBay上销售量前十的国家。珠宝、雕像和小雕像以及宗教物品等物品的销售量相对较大,而面具和器皿(例如花瓶)的售价则普遍较高。金属、石头和陶土是常见的销售材料。象牙、纸莎草或木头等更稀有的材料价格相对较高。很少有卖家主宰市场,在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。两个禁止销售文物物品的国家相对严格,成为eBay上销售量前十的国家。珠宝、雕像和小雕像以及宗教物品等物品的销售量相对较大,而面具和器皿(例如花瓶)的售价则普遍较高。金属、石头和陶土是常见的销售材料。象牙、纸莎草或木头等更稀有的材料价格相对较高。很少有卖家主宰市场,在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。两个禁止销售文物物品的国家相对严格,成为eBay上销售量前十的国家。珠宝、雕像和小雕像以及宗教物品等物品的销售量相对较大,而面具和器皿(例如花瓶)的售价则普遍较高。金属、石头和陶土是常见的销售材料。象牙、纸莎草或木头等更稀有的材料价格相对较高。很少有卖家主宰市场,在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。雕像和小雕像以及宗教物品的销售量相对较大,而面具和器皿(例如花瓶)的售价则普遍较高。金属、石头和陶土是常见的销售材料。象牙、纸莎草或木头等更稀有的材料价格相对较高。很少有卖家主宰市场,在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。雕像和小雕像以及宗教物品的销售量相对较大,而面具和器皿(例如花瓶)的售价则普遍较高。金属、石头和陶土是常见的销售材料。象牙、纸莎草或木头等更稀有的材料价格相对较高。很少有卖家主宰市场,在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。在某些月份,40% 的销售额由前 10 名卖家控制。用于研究的工具是免费提供的,展示了了解销售趋势的自动化方法的好处。