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Computer-aided physical training sports injury risk simulation based on embedded image system
Microprocessors and Microsystems ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2021.103975
Xing Wang , Chong Jiang

In teamwork, injuries occur from time to time. The athlete's body is very important, so the rich experience of teamwork can reduce the injury to the athlete, which is a very important aspect of preventing the risk and mitigating the risk. There are several ways to reduce the risk factors of injury. One is to use positioning method, scientists have developed a 2.4 GHz frequency wireless receiving sensor system, referred to as WSN. This system can effectively monitor indoor and outdoor environment and identify and analyze buried active RF in advance. After several frequency tests, more effective performance is obtained, and the transmission power and signal intensity system are developed. It can generate high-frequency amplitudes, and the transmitted data can create independent labels to receive. However, the difficulty in understanding the subtle differences between different statistical methods and making conclusions that lead to erroneous assumptions has been produced from the data. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the outline to determine the method used to determine the risk of damage, to predict the movement of injuries while developing the model and the existing evidence to highlight the difference between the association and the prediction associated with damaging it. Sports injuries risk factors research aimed to study the example of the method is evaluated using chopped strains. Injuries resulting from the complex interaction of several risk factors. Develop and adapt and, mental, emotional, social events. Therefore covers education system and the necessary physical activities organized by physical education. In order to create a rough picture of the whole creation and technique. The soap places to students who have used a solvent, is embedded in the grease.



在团队合作中,有时会发生伤害。运动员的身体非常重要,因此丰富的团队合作经验可以减少对运动员的伤害,这是预防风险和减轻风险的重要方面。有几种减少伤害危险因素的方法。一种是使用定位方法,科学家开发了一种2.4 GHz频率的无线接收传感器系统,称为WSN。该系统可以有效地监视室内和室外环境,并提前识别和分析埋藏的有源RF。经过几次频率测试,可以获得更有效的性能,并且开发了传输功率和信号强度系统。它可以产生高频振幅,并且传输的数据可以创建独立的标签来接收。然而,从数据中产生了难以理解不同统计方法之间细微差异以及做出导致错误假设的结论的困难。因此,本研究的目的是获得概述,以确定用于确定损坏风险的方法,在开发模型时预测伤害的移动,并通过现有证据强调关联与关联的预测之间的差异破坏它。使用切碎的菌株评估了旨在研究该方法实例的运动损伤危险因素研究。由于多种风险因素的复杂相互作用而导致的伤害。发展和适应以及心理,情感和社交活动。因此涵盖了教育体系和体育组织的必要体育活动。为了对整个创作和技术进行粗略的描绘。给使用过溶剂的学生准备的肥皂被埋在油脂中。
