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Feigning ADHD and stimulant misuse among Dutch university students
Journal of Neural Transmission ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s00702-020-02296-7
Anselm B M Fuermaier 1 , Oliver Tucha 1, 2 , Janneke Koerts 1 , Lara Tucha 1, 2 , Johannes Thome 2 , Frank Faltraco 2

The increasing number of university students seeking diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and findings of an increased stimulant misuse among university students, has raised concerns regarding the credibility of the symptoms of those students. However, most of our current knowledge refers to university students in North America and less is known about this issue on European campuses. The present survey aimed to collect opinions on feigning ADHD and to estimate the prevalence of stimulant misuse among 1071 university students in the Netherlands. The majority of students expressed liberal attitudes towards feigning ADHD. Also, a substantial number of respondents considered feigning ADHD themselves or know someone who feigns ADHD. Furthermore, 68% of students assumed benefits of taking stimulants without prescription and 16% have indeed already taken stimulants without prescription. Feigning ADHD and misuse of prescription medication are prevalent issues among Dutch students. The results underline the need for a careful diagnostic evaluation of individuals for ADHD. Furthermore, efforts are required in order to prevent stimulant drug trafficking and misuse among university students.



越来越多的大学生寻求注意力缺陷/多动障碍 (ADHD) 的诊断,并且发现大学生滥用兴奋剂的情况越来越多,这引起了人们对这些学生症状的可信度的担忧。然而,我们目前的大部分知识是指北美的大学生,而在欧洲校园里对这个问题知之甚少。本调查旨在收集关于假装 ADHD 的意见,并估计荷兰 1071 名大学生中滥用兴奋剂的流行程度。大多数学生对假装多动症表达了自由的态度。此外,相当多的受访者考虑过自己假装多动症或认识假装多动症的人。此外,68% 的学生认为无需处方即可服用兴奋剂,16% 的学生确实已经服用了无需处方的兴奋剂。假装 ADHD 和滥用处方药是荷兰学生普遍存在的问题。结果强调了对 ADHD 个体进行仔细诊断评估的必要性。此外,还需要努力防止大学生中的兴奋剂贩毒和滥用。
