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Incidence of cymbidium mosaic, odontoglossum ringspot, and orchid fleck virus in orchids in Minnesota and production of antibodies for use in ELISA to detect orchid fleck virus
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-020-02185-5
Sara A. Bratsch , Neil Olszewski , Benham Lockhart

Ninety-six symptomatic orchids representing 36 genera from seven orchid collections, including two conservatories, in Minnesota, USA were tested for cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV), odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV), and orchid fleck virus (OFV) using dipsticks (CymMV and ORSV), RT-PCR (OFV), and transmission electron microscopy (all viruses). CymMV was identified in 22% of the samples, OFV was identified in 17% of the samples, and ORSV was detected in 6% of the samples. Five percent of samples were infected with both CymMV and ORSV and 1% of samples were infected with both OFV and ORSV. Characteristic orchid virus symptoms of chlorotic and necrotic patterns were observed for the majority of infected orchids. Polyclonal antibodies were produced against Escherichia coli expressed OFV phosphoprotein (OFV P) and evaluated for use in plate trapped antigen-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (PTA-ELISA). After an overnight incubation with PNPP the OFV P polyclonal antisera diluted from 1:1000–1:20,000 (v/v) readily differentiated between fresh healthy and OFV infected orchid (Phalaenopsis hybrid) tissue diluted from 1:5–1:20 (w/v). The high incidence of viruses detected in orchids (50%) suggests limited use of certified virus-free propagation stock and highlights the importance of sanitation to prevent transmission between plants.



使用量油计(CymMV和C)对来自美国明尼苏达州(包括两个温室)的七个兰花收藏(包括两个温室)的36属有症状兰花进行了测试,测试了96种有症状兰花的兰花c花叶病毒(CymMV),齿glo圆环斑病毒(ORSV)和兰花斑点病毒(OFV)。 ORSV),RT-PCR(OFV)和透射电子显微镜(所有病毒)。在22%的样品中鉴定出CymMV,在17%的样品中鉴定出OFV,在6%的样品中鉴定出ORSV。5%的样本同时感染了CymMV和ORSV,1%的样本同时感染了OFV和ORSV。在大多数被感染的兰花中都观察到了典型的兰花病毒的褪绿和坏死症状。产生了针对大肠杆菌的多克隆抗体表达OFV磷蛋白(OFV P),并评估其用于板捕获的抗原-酶联免疫吸附测定(PTA-ELISA)。1000-1:与PNPP的OFV P多克隆抗血清从1稀释的过夜孵育后20000(v / v)的容易新鲜健康和OFV之间区分感染兰花(蝴蝶兰杂种)组织从1稀释:5-1:20(瓦特/ v)。在兰花中检测到的病毒高发生率(50%)表明有限使用了认证的无病毒繁殖种群,并强调了卫生措施对于防止植物之间传播的重要性。
