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Taking leadership development into your own hands: A perspective for academic librarians
The Journal of Academic Librarianship ( IF 1.953 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102301
Gabrielle K.W. Wong

Abstract As information professionals, all academic librarians are leaders. Besides official decision-makers at executive positions in libraries, librarians at all levels lead in a wide range of contexts to accomplish their professional goals and duties. Developing librarians' capacity to lead is crucial for libraries that direly need a competent workforce. For librarians as individuals, it is also of utmost significance; developing one's leadership capability can improve work performance, make one's career more fulfilling, and facilitate career advancement. However, it is not clear how academic librarians grow into effective leaders, and what librarians can do to drive themselves forward. This paper proposes three areas in which librarians should take action in order actively to develop their own leadership abilities: understanding leadership capacity, capturing workplace opportunities, seeking training and self-learning. Based on the findings of doctoral research, the author argues that these actions are essential if librarians want to take leadership development in their own hands through their lifelong career.



摘要 作为信息专业人员,所有学术图书馆员都是领导者。除了图书馆行政职位的官方决策者外,各级图书馆员在广泛的环境中发挥领导作用,以实现他们的职业目标和职责。培养图书馆员的领导能力对于急需一支称职员工的图书馆至关重要。对于作为个人的图书馆员来说,这也是极其重要的;培养领导能力可以提高工作绩效,使自己的职业生涯更加充实,促进职业发展。然而,目前尚不清楚学术图书馆员如何成长为有效的领导者,以及图书馆员可以做些什么来推动自己前进。本文提出了图书馆员应该采取行动以积极发展自身领导能力的三个领域:了解领导能力,抓住工作机会,寻求培训和自学。基于博士研究的结果,作者认为,如果图书馆员想在他们的终身职业生涯中掌握领导力发展,这些行动是必不可少的。