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Anti-aging technoscience & the biologization of cumulative inequality: Affinities in the biopolitics of successful aging
Journal of Aging Studies ( IF 2.707 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2020.100899
James Rupert Fletcher 1

This paper charts the emergence of under-remarked affinities between contemporary anti-aging technoscience and some social scientific work on biological aging. Both have recently sought to develop increasingly sophisticated operationalizations of age, aging and agedness as biological phenomena, in response to traditional notions of normal and chronological aging. Rather than being an interesting coincidence, these affinities indicate the influence of a biopolitics of successful aging on government, industry and social science. This biopolitics construes aging as a personal project that is mastered through specific forms of entrepreneurial individual action, especially consumption practices. Social scientists must remain alert to this biopolitics and its influence on their own work, because the individualization of cumulative inequalities provides intellectual and moral justifications for anti-aging interventions that exploit those inequalities.



