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Pathways to Wellbeing in Design: Examples from the Arts, Humanities and the Built Environment
Urban Policy and Research ( IF 2.196 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1080/08111146.2019.1687402
Vivian Romero 1

cycle of regulation, deregulation, and re-regulation of globalised property investment. Some authors do clarify how regulation can be seen as a necessary response to local political discontent over the impacts of globalised capital, but in future work it would be interesting to assess the co-opting aspects of these responses/performances, and their impacts (to the extent these can be traced). Another important contribution of this collection is the emphasis two chapters place on the soft power represented by real estate investment, and the significance of this in shaping (as well as adapting to) geopolitical strategies. As the editors argue, “ . . . local real estate becomes a technology through which the nation-state performs a modern form of statecraft in both the national and global arenas” (p. 9). While the spatial and temporal specifics of investment flows are addressed in several contributions, more of the analyses might have focused on the impacts of investment (from specific sorts of investors, within specific regulatory frameworks) on urban form. Pow explains the significance of Singapore’s branding as “ . . . a ‘lifestyle haven’ for the global super-rich with place-marketing campaigns that centre on the production of spectacular urban landscapes and conspicuous real estate projects” (p. 61), but relatively little attention is paid to this aspect in the other contributions. Arguably, this is the impact that defines how the “practice” of real estate investment is most dramatically transforming cities and local politics. The editors point to the flipside of this phenomenon – the hollowing out of vibrant urban neighbourhoods identified by Atkinson (2016, p. 1303): “ . . . investors create spaces of isolation, anonymity, exclusion and retreat” (quoted p. 11). This is the reason the topic addressed in this book matters – for city residents, urban planners, local governments, and indeed the financial elites themselves. If globalised investment flows kill the golden goose of living cities, we are all worse off. This book offers an insightful primer on the evolving politics and complex practice of this phenomenon.


