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The Archaeology of Terrorism: Damage to Two Medieval Churches in the City of London in the IRA Attacks of 1992 and 1993
The London Journal ( IF 0.429 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-13 , DOI: 10.1080/03058034.2019.1651038
John Schofield 1

On 10 April 1992, a one-ton bomb in a white truck exploded outside the Baltic Exchange in St Mary Axe street in the City of London, killing three people and damaging the church of St Helen Bishopsgate. On 24 April 1993, a second more powerful bomb in a truck exploded in Bishopsgate, a couple of hundred yards away, directly outside the church of St Ethelburga. A newspaper photographer was killed. These bombs were planted by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The incidents led to great changes at both churches. St Helen’s was refurbished in a striking manner, not without criticism, when a new neo-Classical layer of fittings was added to its many phases of history; St Ethelburga’s, badly damaged, was partly reconstructed and repaired to serve as a Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, an initiative of the new Bishop of London, Richard Chartres. This paper describes the initial responses to the two blasts, and how the churches were restored. It is a record of two terrorist incidents and what happened afterwards.


恐怖主义考古学:1992 年和 1993 年爱尔兰共和军袭击对伦敦市两座中世纪教堂的破坏

1992 年 4 月 10 日,一辆白色卡车中的 1 吨炸弹在伦敦市 St Mary Axe 街的波罗的海交易所外爆炸,炸死 3 人,并损坏了 St Helen Bishopsgate 教堂。1993 年 4 月 24 日,一辆卡车中的第二颗威力更大的炸弹在几百码外的 Bishopsgate 爆炸,就在 St Ethelburga 教堂外。一名报纸摄影师被杀。这些炸弹是由临时爱尔兰共和军布置的。这些事件导致两个教会发生了巨大的变化。圣海伦以一种引人注目的方式进行了翻新,但并非没有批评,因为它的许多历史阶段都增加了新的新古典主义风格。St Ethelburga's 遭到严重破坏,部分重建和修复,作为和解与和平中心,这是伦敦新任主教理查德·沙特尔 (Richard Chartres) 的倡议。本文描述了对两次爆炸的初步反应,以及教堂是如何恢复的。它记录了两起恐怖事件以及之后发生的事情。