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Peru - Most Scandalous Woman: Magda Portal and the Dream of Revolution in Peru. By Myrna Ivonne Wallace Fuentes. Norman: Oklahoma University Press, 2017. Pp. 376. $34.95 cloth.
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2018.125
Jaymie Heilman

Born in 1900 to a lower middle-class Lima family, Magda Portal sneaked into university classes as a youngwoman. She soonwon critical praise for poetry that scandalizedmany of her contemporaries, with its considerations of female sexuality and agency. Her personal choices were no less shocking. Portal’s daughter Gloria was born eight months before Portal married the child’s father, Federico Bolaños. Less than two years later, Portal left Bolaños and entered a romantic relationship with his younger brother, Serafín Delmar.


秘鲁 - 最可耻的女人:玛格达传送门和秘鲁的革命梦想。作者:Myrna Ivonne Wallace Fuentes。诺曼:俄克拉荷马大学出版社,2017 年。Pp。376. 布 34.95 美元。

Magda Portal 于 1900 年出生于利马的一个下层中产阶级家庭,年轻时潜入大学课堂。她很快就因其对女性性欲和能动性的考虑而使她同时代的许多人感到震惊的诗歌赢得了批评。她的个人选择同样令人震惊。Portal 的女儿 Gloria 在 Portal 与孩子的父亲 Federico Bolaños 结婚前八个月出生。不到两年后,Portal 离开了 Bolaños,并与他的弟弟 Serafín Delmar 建立了恋爱关系。