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Haiti after the Revolution - Haitian Connections in the Atlantic Word: Recognition after Revolution. By Julia Gaffield. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Pp. xiii, 254. 3 maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $29.95 paper; $24.99 e-book.
The Americas ( IF 0.529 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1017/tam.2019.41
Nathalie Dessens

The second half of the book deals more with the aesthetics of the era and also with Serra’s reception in later periods. In the first part, Clara Bargelini and Pamela Huckins look at the aesthetics of churches with which Serra would have been familiar; then they consider how he adopted and adapted that vision in the missions that he created in California. The essay by Cynthia Neri Lewis considers Serra’s relationship to paintings by José de Páez, three of which he brought with him from central Mexico to the California frontier.


革命后的海地-大西洋词汇中的海地人脉:革命后的认可。朱莉娅·加菲尔德(Julia Gaffield)。教堂山:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2015年。xiii,254。3张地图。笔记。参考书目。指数。29.95美元纸; $ 24.99电子书。

本书的后半部分更多地讨论了时代美学,也涉及到塞拉在以后的时期中的接受。在第一部分中,克拉拉·巴格里尼(Clara Bargelini)和帕梅拉·哈金斯(Pamela Huckins)着眼于塞拉本该熟悉的教堂的美学。然后他们考虑他是如何在他在加利福尼亚州创建的任务中采纳并适应这一愿景的。辛西娅·内里·刘易斯(Cynthia Neri Lewis)的论文考虑了塞拉(Serra)与何塞·德·佩斯(JosédePáez)的画作之间的关系,他与他的三幅画一起从墨西哥中部带到了加州边境。