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Frantz Fanon, poet: pleasure of the text, power of the text
Social Dynamics ( IF 0.483 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2020.1823092
Eileen Julien 1

ABSTRACT Frantz Fanon’s writing represents a productive embrace of the political and the poetic. His ideas have had such a long afterlife, they live on in us, I submit, precisely because the language of their articulation, image-filled and rhythmic, is compelling. This article examines three elements of Fanonian poetics in Black Skin, White Masks: the use of metaphor and, in “By Way of Conclusion,” an ambiguous/multiple “I” as persona, and, finally, what Brent Edwards has called “anaphoric poetics,” the repetition of the same word or words at the beginning of successive phrases.



摘要弗朗茨·法农的著作代表了对政治和诗意的富有成效的拥抱。我认为,他的想法来世如此之久,它们一直存在于我们之中,正是因为它们的表达语言充满了图像感和节奏感,令人信服。本文研究了《黑皮肤,白面具》中法纳尼主义诗学的三个要素:隐喻的使用以及“按结论的方式”中模棱两可的“ I”作为角色,最后是布伦特·爱德华兹所说的“隐喻”诗学”,即在连续词组开头重复一个或多个相同单词。