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Networked Cooperation: How the European Union Mobilizes Peacekeeping Forces to Project Power Abroad
Security Studies ( IF 3.032 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09636412.2019.1662480
Marina E. Henke

Abstract How does the European Union (EU) recruit troops and police to serve in EU peacekeeping missions? This article suggests that pivotal EU member states and EU officials make strategic use of the social and institutional networks within which they are embedded to bargain reluctant states into providing these forces. These networks offer information on deployment preferences, facilitate side-payments and issue-linkages, and provide for credible commitments. EU operations are consequently not necessarily dependent on intra-EU preference convergence—as is often suggested in the existing literature. Rather, EU force recruitment hinges on highly proactive EU actors, which use social and institutional ties to negotiate fellow states into serving in an EU missions.



摘要 欧盟(EU)如何招募军队和警察在欧盟维和任务中服役?本文建议,关键的欧盟成员国和欧盟官员战略性地利用他们所在的社会和制度网络,与不情愿的国家讨价还价,以提供这些力量。这些网络提供有关部署偏好的信息,促进副付费和问题联系,并提供可靠的承诺。因此,欧盟的运作不一定依赖于欧盟内部的偏好趋同——正如现有文献中经常提到的那样。相反,欧盟军队的招募取决于高度积极主动的欧盟行动者,他们利用社会和制度联系与其他国家谈判,让其在欧盟任务中服役。