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Disabled and Undocumented: In/Visibility at the Borders of Presence, Disclosure, and Nation
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 0.878 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1752131
Christina V. Cedillo

ABSTRACT Attention to disability and undocumented status illuminates the impact of in/visibility on multiply marginalized individuals. Visibility can prove dangerous for vulnerable populations exposed to physical and symbolic violence; yet invisibility also poses risks. Nevertheless, visibility and invisibility can also be useful rhetorical schemes. Here, I focus on branding and non/images to interrogate this ambivalence in the case of Rosa Maria Hernandez, a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy brought to the United States when she was three months old, and that of Eva Chavez, an undocumented activist whose defense campaign publicized her role as primary caretaker of her 11-year-old disabled citizen son. These cases show that, for targeted people, in/visibility is gradated, compulsory, and tactical, producing presence and belonging relative to exposure and risk.



摘要 对残疾和无证身份的关注阐明了不可见/不可见对多重边缘化个体的影响。对于暴露在身体和象征性暴力之下的弱势群体来说,可见性可能是危险的;然而,隐形也带来了风险。尽管如此,可见性和不可见性也可以是有用的修辞方案。在这里,我将重点放在品牌和非/图像上,以询问罗莎·玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯 (Rosa Maria Hernandez) 和伊娃·查韦斯 (Eva Chavez) 的这种矛盾心理,这是一个 10 岁的脑瘫女孩,在她三个月大时被带到美国,一名无证活动家,其辩护活动宣传她作为她 11 岁残疾公民儿子的主要看护人的角色。这些案例表明,对于目标人群,隐形/可见性是分级的、强制性的和战术性的,