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Labor conflicts in the Toronto construction industry, 1968–1973. A crossroads of ethnic issues, business innovations, class struggle, and union action
Labor History ( IF 0.632 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-24 , DOI: 10.1080/0023656x.2019.1645317
Stefano Agnoletto 1, 2

ABSTRACT This article concerns a case study in labor history which represents an interesting example of union action in a workers’ community characterized by intersections between ethnic and class belonging. The focus of the article is on labor conflicts in Toronto’s construction industry between 1968 and 1973. In that period, the Torontonian residential sector represented a sort of ethnic niche dominated by Italian immigrants, who populated this industry both as workers and as contractors. At the same time, important economic, technological, and organizational innovations formed part of this niche. In particular, it refers to the new Toronto real estate boom and to the introduction of new building techniques such as the drywall technique, or concrete forming, as well as business innovations such as the flying form or the creation of teamwork. This article tells the story of successful unionization in a peculiar industry dominated by continuous formal and informal bargaining. Moreover, the powerful presence of the phenomenon of mafiosi and widespread racism made the context still more difficult. In this situation, despite the ambiguities, the final result was the unionization of thousands of workers and the successful signing of collective contracts.



摘要 本文涉及劳工史中的一个案例研究,该案例研究代表了一个以种族和阶级归属为特征的工人社区中工会行动的有趣例子。这篇文章的重点是 1968 年至 1973 年间多伦多建筑业的劳资冲突。在那个时期,多伦多住宅部门代表了一种由意大利移民主导的种族利基,他们以工人和承包商的身份居住在这个行业。与此同时,重要的经济、技术和组织创新构成了这一利基的一部分。特别是,它指的是多伦多新的房地产热潮和新建筑技术的引入,如干墙技术或混凝土成型,以及商业创新,如飞行形式或团队合作的创造。本文讲述了在一个由连续的正式和非正式谈判主导的特殊行业中成功工会的故事。此外,黑手党现象的强大存在和广泛的种族主义使背景更加困难。在这种情况下,尽管存在歧义,但最终的结果是数千名工人加入工会并成功签署了集体合同。