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Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association ( IF 1.055 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2020.1757580
Michael Piggott 1

tions, activities such as capturing tacit knowledge and the effective description, organisation and retention of files such as manuals, directories, policies, procedures, reports, forms, and instructions can give trouble even to the best of us. If you are unfamiliar with knowledge management (KM) theories and the challenges of managing organisational knowledge (OK), this could be a good book for you as the topic is addressed in a succinct and straightforward way in the first half. Topics covered include employee buy-in, knowledge protection when an employee leaves a role, tools for KM, and the future of KM. If you are seasoned in KM and OK, don’t expect to find the magic bullet for libraries here: the first part of the book is a general overview with lamentably little of particular relevance to libraries, although the word ‘library’ has been crammed in asmuch as possible. The second half of the book, consisting of six case studies of KM projects implemented in libraries, may be of more interest. Five academic and one special US-based libraries share KM projects based around knowledge sharing and documentation, change management, and KM tools such as LibAnswers, Wikis and blogs. The case studies are written by the practitioners themselves, and although they are very specific to each library’s circumstances (as all KM should be, there is no one-size -fits-all solution), there is certainly a lot of food for thought here; and as with most case studies, the insights provided and lessons learned are generally very valuable. When looking for a book on knowledge management, I have no doubt that any library worker would gravitate towards Libraries that learn, as it seems it would be the ideal book on that topic. However, if there were a Venn diagram of who the first part of this book is useful for and who the second part of is useful for, I think the overlapping area would actually be pretty small. The first part of the book is squarely a beginners’ guide to KM, but without any real guidance on how to implement a KM program in an organisation. The second part of the book is perfect fodder for inspiration for those with a responsibility in KM, but largely devoid of the detailed practical information that would make it truly useful. Overall, while the content of this book is solid, it is a little confused and disjointed.



诸如隐性知识和有效描述之类的活动,活动,诸如手册,目录,策略,过程,报告,表格和说明之类的文件的组织和保留都可能给我们最大的麻烦。如果您不熟悉知识管理(KM)理论和管理组织知识(OK)的挑战,那么这对您可能是一本好书,因为上半年该主题以简洁明了的方式进行了介绍。涉及的主题包括员工支持,员工离职后的知识保护,知识管理的工具以及知识管理的未来。如果您精通KM,不要指望在这里找到图书馆的妙招:本书的第一部分是一般概述,可悲的是与图书馆的相关性很小,尽管“图书馆”一词已尽可能地塞满了。本书的下半部分可能更有趣,其中包括对图书馆实施的KM项目的六个案例研究。五个学术图书馆和一个位于美国的特殊图书馆基于知识共享和文档,变更管理以及KM工具(例如LibAnswers,Wiki和博客)共享KM项目。案例研究是由从业者自己编写的,尽管它们针对每个图书馆的情况非常具体(因为所有知识管理都应如此,但没有一个万能的解决方案),但是这里肯定有很多值得思考的地方; 与大多数案例研究一样,所提供的见解和经验教训通常非常有价值。在寻找有关知识管理的书时,我毫不怀疑,任何图书馆工作人员都会倾向于学习图书馆,因为这似乎是有关该主题的理想书籍。但是,如果有维恩图说明本书的第一部分对谁有用,第二部分对谁有用,那么我认为重叠区域实际上会很小。本书的第一部分是关于KM的初学者指南,但没有关于如何在组织中实施KM计划的任何实际指南。本书的第二部分为那些对KM负有责任的人提供了启发的完美饲料,但是在很大程度上没有使它真正有用的详细实践信息。总体而言,尽管本书内容扎实,但仍有些混乱和脱节。如果有维恩图说明本书的第一部分对谁有用,第二部分对谁有用,那么我认为重叠区域实际上会很小。本书的第一部分是关于KM的初学者指南,但没有关于如何在组织中实施KM计划的任何实际指南。本书的第二部分为那些对KM负有责任的人提供了启发的完美饲料,但是在很大程度上没有使它真正有用的详细实践信息。总体而言,尽管本书内容扎实,但仍有些混乱和脱节。如果有维恩图说明本书的第一部分对谁有用,第二部分对谁有用,那么我认为重叠区域实际上会很小。本书的第一部分是关于KM的初学者指南,但没有关于如何在组织中实施KM计划的任何实际指南。本书的第二部分为那些对KM负有责任的人提供了启发的完美饲料,但是在很大程度上没有使它真正有用的详细实践信息。总体而言,尽管本书内容扎实,但仍有些混乱和脱节。但没有任何有关如何在组织中实施KM计划的实际指导。本书的第二部分为那些对KM负有责任的人提供了启发的完美饲料,但是在很大程度上没有使它真正有用的详细实践信息。总体而言,尽管本书内容扎实,但仍有些混乱和脱节。但没有任何有关如何在组织中实施KM计划的实际指导。本书的第二部分为那些对KM负有责任的人提供了启发的完美饲料,但是在很大程度上没有使它真正有用的详细实践信息。总体而言,尽管本书内容扎实,但仍有些混乱和脱节。