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From the Editor
Journal of Urban Technology ( IF 5.150 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2019.1673083
Richard E. Hanley

When IBM, Cisco Systems, and other transnational corporations first began proposing and selling smart city “solutions” and smart city “black boxes,” a major argument they made to cities was that these systems and technologies would lead to urban sustainability. As the literature on smart cities continues to grow, scholars are finding links between smart cities and urban sustainability ever more elusive. This journal has published some of that literature in the past and the first article in this issue contributes to that discussion. In their article, “Smart Governance for Sustainable Cities: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review,” the scholars Zsuzsanna Tomor, Albert Meijer, Ank Michels, and Stan Geertman explain that in their systematic literature review, they found a lack of empirical evidence that “smart governance” showed many urban sustainability benefits. They define “smart governance” as “technology-enabled collaboration between citizens and local governments to advance sustainable development.” Their paper “points up the need for more empirical work” and develops an agenda for researching the relationship between smart governance and sustainability outcomes. While scholars are finding connections between the technologies associated with smart cities and urban sustainability somewhat tenuous, the scholars Bev Wilson and Arnab Chakraborty argue that those same technologies, when properly deployed, can contribute to furthering democratic urban governance. In their article, “Planning Smart(er) Cities: The Promise of Civic Technology,” Wilson and Chakraborty explain the goals and values of civic technology, which they define as “an emerging field that typically leverages open data—and sometimes open-source software—to address challenges that may be invisible to or neglected by government in a collaborative, problem-centered way.” The focus of their study is Chicago, which they note has a vibrant civic technology “ecosystem.” They gathered data by interviewing key stakeholders in that ecosystem and conclude with recommendations to urban planners on how to use civic technology to enhance the quality of urban life and further social equity. An interesting new infrastructure that seems to be having some effect in increasing urban sustainability is that of vertical greenery systems, a subset of the green technologies, such as green roofs and urban farms, which are being used to situate more and more vegetation in cities. When these various systems are studied, especially those that are introduced into buildings, the focus is primarily on how greenery improves the thermal performance of individual buildings, especially on the potential energy savings. However, in their article, “Physical and Non-Physical Benefits of Vertical Greenery Systems: A Review,” Aini Jasmin Ghazalli, Cris Brack, Xuemei Bai, and Ismail Said review articles that include examinations of how vertical greenery systems, in particular, help to “enrich the lives of urban dwellers by positively affecting ambient temperatures, noise levels, and air quality and creating an environment that promotes human health.”



IBM、思科系统等跨国公司最初开始提出和销售智慧城市“解决方案”和智慧城市“黑匣子”时,他们向城市提出的一个主要论点是这些系统和技术将导致城市可持续发展。随着有关智慧城市的文献不​​断增多,学者们发现智慧城市与城市可持续性之间的联系越来越难以捉摸。该杂志过去曾发表过一些此类文献,本期的第一篇文章对这一讨论做出了贡献。学者 Zsuzsanna Tomor、Albert Meijer、Ank Michels 和 Stan Geertman 在他们的文章“可持续城市的智能治理:系统文献综述的结果”中解释说,在他们的系统文献综述中,他们发现缺乏经验证据表明“智能治理”显示出许多城市可持续发展的好处。他们将“智能治理”定义为“公民与地方政府之间以技术为基础的合作,以促进可持续发展。” 他们的论文“指出需要更多的实证工作”,并制定了研究智能治理与可持续性成果之间关系的议程。虽然学者们发现与智慧城市相关的技术与城市可持续性之间的联系有些脆弱,但学者 Bev Wilson 和 Arnab Chakraborty 认为,这些相同的技术如果部署得当,可以促进民主城市治理。在他们的文章“规划智能(er)城市:公民技术的承诺,” Wilson 和 Chakraborty 解释了公民技术的目标和价值,他们将其定义为“一个新兴领域,通常利用开放数据——有时是开源软件——来解决政府在协作中可能看不到或忽视的挑战,以问题为中心的方式。” 他们研究的重点是芝加哥,他们指出芝加哥拥有充满活力的公民技术“生态系统”。他们通过采访该生态系统中的主要利益相关者来收集数据,最后就如何利用公民技术提高城市生活质量和促进社会公平向城市规划者提出建议。一个有趣的新基础设施似乎对提高城市可持续性产生了一些影响,那就是垂直绿化系统,这是绿色技术的一个子集,如绿色屋顶和城市农场,它们正被用于在城市中定位越来越多的植被。当研究这些不同的系统时,尤其是那些被引入建筑物的系统时,重点主要是绿色植物如何提高单个建筑物的热性能,尤其是潜在的节能。然而,在他们的文章“垂直绿化系统的物理和非物理效益:综述”中,Aini Jasmin Ghazalli、Cris Brack、Xuemei Bai 和 Ismail Said 评论文章包括对垂直绿化系统如何帮助的检查,特别是“通过积极影响环境温度、噪音水平和空气质量并创造一个促进人类健康的环境来丰富城市居民的生活。” 尤其是那些被引入到建筑物中的,重点主要是绿色植物如何提高单个建筑物的热性能,尤其是潜在的节能。然而,在他们的文章“垂直绿化系统的物理和非物理效益:综述”中,Aini Jasmin Ghazalli、Cris Brack、Xuemei Bai 和 Ismail Said 评论文章包括对垂直绿化系统如何帮助的检查,特别是“通过积极影响环境温度、噪音水平和空气质量并创造一个促进人类健康的环境来丰富城市居民的生活。” 尤其是那些被引入到建筑物中的,重点主要是绿色植物如何提高单个建筑物的热性能,尤其是潜在的节能。然而,在他们的文章“垂直绿化系统的物理和非物理效益:综述”中,Aini Jasmin Ghazalli、Cris Brack、Xuemei Bai 和 Ismail Said 评论文章包括对垂直绿化系统如何帮助的检查,特别是“通过积极影响环境温度、噪音水平和空气质量并创造一个促进人类健康的环境来丰富城市居民的生活。”