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Sleep Deprivation, a Link Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.3233/jad-201378
Vedad Delic 1 , Whitney A Ratliff 2 , Bruce A Citron 1, 3


An estimated 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and there is also a significant impact on caregivers, with an additional 16 million mericans providing unpaid care for individuals with AD and other dementias. These numbers are projected to increase in the coming years. While AD is still without a cure, continued research efforts have led to better understanding of pathology and potential risk factors that could be exploited to slow disease progression. A bidirectional relationship between sleep deprivation and AD has been suggested and is well supported by both human and animal studies. Even brief episodes of inadequate sleep have been shown to cause an increase in amyloidβ and tau proteins, both well-established contributors toAD pathology. Sleep deprivation is also the most common consequence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Patients with PTSD frequently present with sleep disturbances and also develop dementia at twice the rate of the general population accounting for a disproportionate representation of AD among U.S. Veterans. The goal of this review is to highlight the relationship triad between sleep deprivation, AD, and PTSD as well as their impact on molecular mechanisms driving AD pathology.




估计有 500 万美国人患有阿尔茨海默病 (AD),这对护理人员也产生了重大影响,另外还有 1600 万美国人为患有 AD 和其他痴呆症的人提供无偿护理。这些数字预计在未来几年会增加。虽然 AD 仍然无法治愈,但持续的研究工作已经导致对病理学和潜在风险因素的更好理解,这些因素可用于减缓疾病进展。已经提出睡眠剥夺和 AD 之间存在双向关系,并得到人类和动物研究的充分支持。即使是短暂的睡眠不足也已被证明会导致淀粉样蛋白 β 和 tau 蛋白增加,这两种蛋白都是 AD 病理学的公认因素。睡眠剥夺也是创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 最常见的后果。患有 PTSD 的患者经常出现睡眠障碍,并且患痴呆症的比率是一般人群的两倍,这导致美国退伍军人中 AD 的比例不成比例。本综述的目的是强调睡眠剥夺、AD 和 PTSD 之间的关系,以及它们对驱动 AD 病理的分子机制的影响。
