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The Impacts of Contextual Factors on Psychosocial Wellbeing of Syrian Refugees: Findings from Turkey and the United States
Journal of Social Service Research ( IF 1.193 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-26 , DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2020.1717717
Asli Cennet Yalim 1


Refugees may struggle to overcome not only psychological impacts of pre-resettlement events but also additional living challenges in post-resettlement contexts. This study aims to understand how context-specific factors influence the psychosocial wellbeing of Syrian refugees through comparing difficulties and resources in two locations. A total of 185 Syrians (Buffalo N = 82, Istanbul N = 103) completed various measures. The Istanbul sample was more educated and employed, had been in Turkey for a longer time, had less monthly income, and experience more discrimination than the sample in Buffalo. Post-migration living difficulties and the satisfaction with quality of life made unique contributions to mental health in both samples. Identifying key contextual factors in the place refugees live contributed to a multifaceted understanding of their experiences and how those experiences impact their mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. Studying post-resettlement contexts can facilitate the development of interventions, programs, and policies that address the needs of refugees. Future studies with Syrian refugees may take into consideration cultural elements identified through this study in order to develop culturally congruent practices and research. Future research should identify the challenges of sub-groups (e.g., single or widowed individuals) within Syrian refugees to achieve social justice for every member of this population.




难民不仅要努力克服迁徙前事件的心理影响,而且还要努力克服迁徙后环境中的其他生活挑战。这项研究旨在通过比较两个地点的困难和资源,来了解因地制宜的因素如何影响叙利亚难民的心理社会福祉。共有185名叙利亚人(布法罗N = 82,伊斯坦布尔N = 103)完成了各种措施。与水牛城的样本相比,伊斯坦布尔的样本受了更多的教育和雇用,在土耳其待了更长的时间,月收入更低,遭受的歧视更多。迁移后的生活困难和对生活质量的满意度对这两个样本的心理健康都有独特的贡献。确定难民居住地的关键背景因素有助于对他们的经历以及这些经历如何影响其心理健康和社会心理福祉进行多方面的理解。研究安置后的环境可以促进制定解决难民需求的干预措施,方案和政策。将来与叙利亚难民进行的研究可能会考虑通过这项研究确定的文化因素,以便发展出文化上一致的做法和研究。未来的研究应确定叙利亚难民中的亚群体(例如,单身或丧偶的人)为实现这一人口中每个成员的社会公正所面临的挑战。研究安置后的环境可以促进制定解决难民需求的干预措施,方案和政策。将来与叙利亚难民进行的研究可能会考虑通过这项研究确定的文化因素,以便发展出文化上一致的做法和研究。未来的研究应确定叙利亚难民中的亚群体(例如,单身或丧偶的人)为实现这一人口中每个成员的社会公正所面临的挑战。研究安置后的环境可以促进制定解决难民需求的干预措施,方案和政策。将来与叙利亚难民进行的研究可能会考虑通过这项研究确定的文化因素,以便发展出文化上一致的做法和研究。未来的研究应确定叙利亚难民中的亚群体(例如,单身或丧偶的人)为实现这一人口中每个成员的社会公正所面临的挑战。
