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Micro-Scale, Meso-Scale, Macro-Scale, and Temporal Scale: Comparing the Relative Importance for Robbery Risk in New York City
Justice Quarterly ( IF 3.985 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2020.1730423
John R. Hipp 1 , Young-An Kim 1 , James C. Wo 1


We compare the relative importance of four dimensions for explaining the micro location of robberies: 1) the micro spatial scale of street segments; 2) the meso spatial scale surrounding the street segment; 3) the temporal pattern, and 4) the macro-scale of the surrounding 2.5 miles. This study uses crime, business, and land use data from New York City and aggregates it to street segments and hours of the day. Although the measures capturing the micro-scale of the street segment explained the largest amount of unique variance, the measures capturing temporal scale across hours of the day (and weekdays) explained the next largest amount of unique variance. The measures of the characteristics in the 2.5 miles macro scale explained the next largest amount of unique variance, and combined with the measures at the meso-scale explained nearly as much of the variance as the street segment measures.




我们比较了解释抢劫案微观位置的四个维度的相对重要性:1)街道段的微观空间尺度;2)街道周边的中观空间尺度;3) 时间模式,以及 4) 周围 2.5 英里的宏观尺度。本研究使用纽约市的犯罪、商业和土地使用数据,并将其汇总到街道段和一天中的时间。尽管捕获街道段微观尺度的度量解释了最大数量的独特方差,但捕获一天中(和工作日)中的时间尺度的度量解释了下一个最大数量的独特方差。2.5 英里宏观尺度中特征的测量解释了下一个最大数量的独特方差,
