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Covid-19: an intrusion of the real the unconscious unleashes its truth
Journal of Social Work Practice ( IF 1.179 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2020.1842725
Simon Western 1


This paper explores how Covid-19 is much more than a natural intrusion into our human world. Covid-19 reveals our interconnectivity, how nature needs to be re-imagined beyond our 20th century perceptions of it being an outside force, something of beauty to observe and protect, or to use as a resource or to control when disruptive. The paper takes a Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective to reflect on Covid-19 as master signifier of contagion. Covid19 is an intrusion of a traumatic Real into our lifeworlds. The Real enunciates a particular truth to us; that we live in a precarious, inter-dependent connected world, undoing the hegemony and fantasy of what J.A Miller calls Capitalism-Science. There is no human versus nature, no war against the virus, because the pandemic is more than just an intrusive virus, it’s an Event (Badiou) produced by our social, technological and environmental ecosystems. The paper concludes by introducing Eco-Leadership (Western 2019 Western, S. (2019). Leadership: A critical text (3rd ed.). Sage pub. [Google Scholar]) a theory and practice for leaders and organisations to adapt, and begin to address the truth of our precarious, interdependent connectivity.




本文探讨了Covid-19如何不仅仅是对人类世界的自然入侵。Covid-19揭示了我们的相互联系,以及如何需要超越20世纪我们认为自然是外在力量,如何观察和保护自然,或将其用作资源或在破坏性时加以控制的美感,来重新构想自然。本文采用拉康主义的心理分析观点来反思Covid-19作为传染病的主要指征。Covid19是一种创伤性的雷亚尔入侵我们的生活世界。实在向我们阐明了一个特定的真理;我们生活在一个不稳定,相互依存的互联世界中,消除了JA Miller所谓的资本主义科学的霸权和幻想。没有人与自然的对抗,也没有与病毒的战争,因为大流行不仅仅是一种侵入性病毒,它是我们社会,技术和环境生态系统。本文通过介绍生态领导力(西方2019年 Western,S. 2019年)。领导力:批判性文章第3版)。圣人酒吧 [Google Scholar]),领导者和组织可以适应并开始解决我们pre可危,相互依存的联系的真理的理论和实践。
