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Deception and Violence in the Ottoman Empire: The People's Theory of Crowd Behavior during the Hamidian Massacres of 1895
Comparative Studies in Society and History ( IF 1.016 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0010417520000298
Ali Sipahi

This article is an historical ethnography of the popular conceptualizations of crowd behavior during the pogroms against the Armenians in the Ottoman East in 1895–1896. It draws on contemporary sources like official telegrams, governmental reports, letters of American missionaries, and Armenian periodicals to show that observers with otherwise highly conflicting views described the structure of the event in the exact same way: as an outcome of sinister deception. Without exception, all parties told some story of deception to explain the violent attacks of the Kurdish semi-nomadic crowds on the Armenian neighborhoods of the city of Harput. The article analyzes these cases of disguise, deluding, and inculcation to reveal how contemporary observers theorized crowd behavior in general and the atrocities they witnessed in particular. They did not perceive violence as an index of social distance or deep societal divisions. On the contrary, they described a world in which Armenians and Muslims lived a shared life, and where one attacked the other only when deceived. Methodologically, the article lifts barriers between intellectual history and social history on behalf of an historical ethnography of people's theories about their own society.


奥斯曼帝国的欺骗和暴力:1895 年哈米迪亚大屠杀期间的人民群众行为理论

这篇文章是对 1895 年至 1896 年奥斯曼帝国东部针对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀期间人群行为流行概念的历史民族志。它借鉴了官方电报、政府报告、美国传教士的信件和亚美尼亚期刊等当代资源,表明持有高度冲突观点的观察者以完全相同的方式描述了事件的结构:作为险恶欺骗的结果。各方无一例外地讲述了一些欺骗的故事,以解释库尔德半游牧人群对哈普特市亚美尼亚居民区的暴力袭击。本文分析了这些伪装、欺骗和灌输的案例,以揭示当代观察者如何对一般的人群行为和他们所目睹的暴行进行理论化。他们没有将暴力视为社会距离或深刻社会分裂的指标。相反,他们描述了一个亚美尼亚人和穆斯林过着共同生活的世界,只有在受骗时才会攻击对方。在方法论上,这篇文章代表人们关于他们自己社会的理论的历史民族志,消除了思想史和社会史之间的障碍。