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What's (not) in a leather pouch? Tracing Islamic amulets in Asante, Ghana
Africa ( IF 1.235 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972020000625
Benedikt Pontzen

Abstract Islamic charms and amulets (lāyā) are simultaneously fairly common, highly valued and ardently contested items among Muslims in Asante. Tracing their history and the relations in which Muslims in Asante manufacture, make sense of and debate them, this article places such amulets within relations and delineates the discourses surrounding them. For those who manufacture and request them, these amulets are part not only of the Islamic tradition but of the divine, which permeates them. For their critics, these are un-Islamic idols that contravene the religion of Islam as they ‘keep people away from God’. Such amulets and their usage – or their non-usage – are therefore central to people relating to the divine, and as amulets thus take part in various (re)makings of Islam, they matter and are part of larger processes that knit several elements together. If one considers such amulets as genuine sources, they provide a lot of information not only about how people conceive of, debate and live Islam, but of how Islamic lifeworlds come into being and of the various entities that participate in these processes.



摘要 伊斯兰护身符和护身符 (lāyā) 在阿散蒂的穆斯林中同时是相当普遍、高度重视和激烈争论的物品。追溯他们的历史以及阿散蒂穆斯林制造、理解和辩论他们的历史和关系,本文将这些护身符置于关系中,并描绘了围绕它们的话语。对于那些制造和要求它们的人来说,这些护身符不仅是伊斯兰传统的一部分,而且是渗透其中的神圣的一部分。对于他们的批评者来说,这些是非伊斯兰教的偶像,因为它们“使人们远离上帝”而违反了伊斯兰教。因此,此类护身符及其使用(或不使用)对于与神圣有关的人来说至关重要,因此护身符参与了伊斯兰教的各种(重新)塑造,它们很重要,并且是将多个元素编织在一起的更大过程的一部分。如果将此类护身符视为真正的来源,它们不仅提供了关于人们如何构思、辩论和生活伊斯兰教的大量信息,而且还提供了关于伊斯兰生活世界如何形成以及参与这些过程的各种实体的信息。