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Runoff nutrient losses from tall fescue pastures varying in endophyte association, fertilization, and harvest management
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2021.00164
D.M. Endale , H.H. Schomberg , A.J. Franzluebbers , D.S. Seman , D.H. Franklin , J.A. Stuedemann

Tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum [Schreb.] S.J. Darbysh.) is a widely adopted cool-season perennial forage in the southeastern United States. Historically, tall fescue contained a symbiotic fungal endophyte, Epichloë coenophiala, that produced an ergot alkaloid toxic to livestock. New fescue biotypes have been developed that are endophyte free or include endophytes that produce low-toxicity alkaloids. Ecological implications of these biotypes are not fully understood. We evaluated nutrient runoff quality for three tall fescue biotypes (common, high alkaloid endophyte [wild]; low alkaloid endophyte [novel]; and endophyte free [free]) under two fertilizer sources (broiler litter [BL] and inorganic fertilizer) in grazed systems and a hayed system with inorganic fertilization of endophyte free fescue. The seven treatments were replicated twice on 1 ha paddocks near Watkinsville, Georgia. Grazed paddocks were stocked in September each year with weaned Angus (Bos taurus) heifers (2002 to 2007) and steers (2008 to 2009) at rates of ~3 to 6 head paddock–1 adjusted every 28 days to maintain 1 to 3 Mg ha–1 of available forage. Weather conditions varied from very dry to very wet and allowed 15 grazing periods (50 to 198 days). Tall fescue with novel-endophyte association had lower or equal runoff concentrations and loads for inorganic nitrogen (N), total N (TN), ortho-phosphorus (ortho-P), and total P (TP) than fescue with wild- or free-endophyte association (fescue treatment mean concentrations [mg L–1]: <0.8 inorganic N, <4.0 TN, <3.5 ortho-P and TP; mean loads [kg ha–1]: <0.08 inorganic N, <0.40 TN, <0.30 ortho-P and TP; all original untransformed data). This indicates increased adoption of novel-endophyte fescue, as previously recommended, presents no additional risk for nutrient losses regardless of fertilization source. Weather variability had impact on assessed variables. Mean total runoff across all paddocks during above average (27.2%) and average (20.6%) monthly rainfall periods were 15.2- and 1.9-fold greater than that from the below average (52.2%) monthly rainfall period. Nutrient loads also were greater: 3.4-fold (TP) to 14.6-fold (ammonium-N). Pollutant loads in the upper quartile were several fold greater than those from the rest of the data. The presence of cattle increased ortho-P load up to 3-fold compared with periods with no cattle.



高羊茅(Lolium arundinaceum [Schreb.] SJ Darbysh.)是美国东南部广泛采用的冷季多年生草料。历史上,高羊茅含有一种共生真菌内生菌 Epichloë coenophiala,它产生一种对牲畜有毒的麦角生物碱。已经开发出不含内生菌或包括产生低毒生物碱的内生菌的新羊茅生物型。这些生物型的生态影响尚不完全清楚。我们在两种肥料来源(肉鸡垫料 [BL] 和无机肥料)下评估了三种高羊茅生物型(常见的高生物碱内生菌 [野生];低生物碱内生菌 [新型];和无内生菌 [游离])的养分径流质量。系统和干草系统与无内生菌羊茅的无机施肥。这七种处理方法在佐治亚州沃特金斯维尔附近的 1 公顷围场上重复两次。放牧的围场在每年 9 月放养断奶的安格斯(Bos taurus)小母牛(2002 年至 2007 年)和公牛(2008 年至 2009 年),放养率约为 3 至 6 头围场–每 28 天调整 1 以保持 1 至 3 毫克公顷–1 可用草料。天气条件从非常干燥到非常潮湿不等,允许放牧 15 天(50 至 198 天)。与野生或游离的羊茅相比,具有新型内生菌关联的高羊茅具有更低或相等的径流浓度和无机氮 (N)、总氮 (TN)、正磷 (ortho-P) 和总磷 (TP) 负荷- 内生菌关联(羊茅处理平均浓度 [mg L–1]:<0.8 无机 N,<4.0 TN,<3.5 ortho-P 和 TP;平均负荷 [kg ha–1]:<0.08 无机 N,<0.40 TN, <0.30 ortho-P 和 TP;所有原始未转换数据)。这表明越来越多地采用新的内生菌羊茅,正如之前所推荐的,无论施肥来源如何,都不会带来额外的营养损失风险。天气变化对评估变量有影响。所有围场在高于平均 (27.2%) 和平均 (20.6%) 月降雨期的平均总径流比低于平均 (52.2%) 月降雨期的平均总径流大 15.2 倍和 1.9 倍。营养负荷也更高:3.4 倍(TP)到 14.6 倍(铵-N)。上四分位数的污染物负荷是其余数据的几倍。与没有牛的时期相比,牛的存在将邻磷负荷增加了 3 倍。无论施肥来源如何,都不会造成养分损失的额外风险。天气变化对评估变量有影响。所有围场在高于平均 (27.2%) 和平均 (20.6%) 月降雨期的平均总径流比低于平均 (52.2%) 月降雨期的平均总径流大 15.2 倍和 1.9 倍。营养负荷也更高:3.4 倍(TP)到 14.6 倍(铵-N)。上四分位数的污染物负荷是其余数据的几倍。与没有牛的时期相比,牛的存在将邻磷负荷增加了 3 倍。无论施肥来源如何,都不会造成养分损失的额外风险。天气变化对评估变量有影响。所有围场在高于平均 (27.2%) 和平均 (20.6%) 月降雨期的平均总径流比低于平均 (52.2%) 月降雨期的平均总径流大 15.2 倍和 1.9 倍。营养负荷也更高:3.4 倍(TP)到 14.6 倍(铵-N)。上四分位数的污染物负荷是其余数据的几倍。与没有牛的时期相比,牛的存在将邻磷负荷增加了 3 倍。6%) 的月降雨期是低于平均水平 (52.2%) 月降雨期的 15.2 倍和 1.9 倍。营养负荷也更高:3.4 倍(TP)到 14.6 倍(铵-N)。上四分位数的污染物负荷是其余数据的几倍。与没有牛的时期相比,牛的存在将邻磷负荷增加了 3 倍。6%) 的月降雨期是低于平均水平 (52.2%) 月降雨期的 15.2 倍和 1.9 倍。营养负荷也更高:3.4 倍(TP)到 14.6 倍(铵-N)。上四分位数的污染物负荷是其余数据的几倍。与没有牛的时期相比,牛的存在将邻磷负荷增加了 3 倍。