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Why do farmers care about rented land? Investigating the context of farmland tenure
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2021.00191
H. Leonhardt , M. Braito , M. Penker

Rental shares of agricultural land have increased in many countries, as have soil degradation and erosion. Theory suggests that these trends may be correlated, yet empirical findings are mixed. This ambiguity indicates that a “tenure effect” on conservation may be highly contextual. Our research investigates farmers’ soil conservation behavior on rented land and aims to disentangle the contextual factors involved. These factors include rental duration and security, the nature of the landlord-tenant relationship, plot-specific features of the land, formal requirements such as agri-environmental schemes (AES) or contractual obligations, as well as rental prices. We survey Austrian crop farmers and find, prima facie, no differences between rented and owned cropland in the application of 16 different soil conservation practices. We also find that, in our sample, renting appears to be secure and long term; there are few cases where landlord-tenant relationships are distant; where rented plots are far from the farmhouse; and most farmers in Austria participate in AES that are applied independent of tenure status. We therefore propose that a purported tenure effect is indeed contingent on the contextual factors listed above, which may support or counteract soil conservation on rented land. Thus, policy makers and extension services can foster soil conservation on rented land by addressing these contextual factors. Points of intervention include designing AES contracts in a way that reduces risks for tenant farmers, supporting secure and long-term renting, encouraging close landlord-tenant relationships, and promoting the inclusion of conservation requirements in rental contracts.



许多国家的农业用地租金份额有所增加,土壤退化和侵蚀也有所增加。理论表明,这些趋势可能是相关的,但实证结果是混合的。这种模棱两可的情况表明,对保护的“权属效应”可能是高度相关的。我们的研究调查了农民在租用土地上的土壤保持行为,旨在解开所涉及的背景因素。这些因素包括租赁期限和安全性、房东与租户关系的性质、土地的特定地块特征、农业环境计划 (AES) 或合同义务等正式要求,以及租金。我们调查了奥地利的农作物农民,初步发现,在应用 16 种不同的土壤保持措施时,租用和自有农田之间没有差异。我们还发现,在我们的样本中,租赁似乎是安全且长期的;很少有房东-租户关系疏远的情况;租用地块离农家较远的地方;奥地利的大多数农民都参与了 AES,该 AES 的应用与权属状况无关。因此,我们提出,所谓的使用权效应确实取决于上面列出的背景因素,这些因素可能支持或抵消租用土地上的土壤保持。因此,政策制定者和推广服务可以通过解决这些背景因素来促进租用土地的土壤保持。干预点包括以降低租户农民风险的方式设计 AES 合同,支持安全和长期租赁,鼓励房东与租户的密切关系,以及促进将保护要求纳入租赁合同。租赁似乎是安全和长期的;很少有房东-租户关系疏远的情况;租用地块离农家较远的地方;奥地利的大多数农民都参与了 AES,该 AES 的应用与权属状况无关。因此,我们提出,所谓的使用权效应确实取决于上面列出的背景因素,这些因素可能支持或抵消租用土地上的土壤保持。因此,政策制定者和推广服务可以通过解决这些背景因素来促进租用土地的土壤保持。干预点包括以降低租户农民风险的方式设计 AES 合同,支持安全和长期租赁,鼓励房东与租户的密切关系,以及促进将保护要求纳入租赁合同。租赁似乎是安全和长期的;很少有房东-租户关系疏远的情况;租用地块离农家较远的地方;奥地利的大多数农民都参与了 AES,该 AES 的应用与权属状况无关。因此,我们提出,所谓的使用权效应确实取决于上面列出的背景因素,这些因素可能支持或抵消租用土地上的土壤保持。因此,政策制定者和推广服务可以通过解决这些背景因素来促进租用土地的土壤保持。干预点包括以降低租户农民风险的方式设计 AES 合同,支持安全和长期租赁,鼓励房东与租户的密切关系,以及促进将保护要求纳入租赁合同。