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Integrated biochar research: A roadmap
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2021.1115a
James E. Amonette , Humberto Blanco-Canqui , Chuck Hassebrook , David A. Laird , Rattan Lal , Johannes Lehmann , Deborah Page-Dumroese

A scientific consensus is building that the drawdown of very large amounts (at least 1,000 Gt [1.1 × 1012 tn]) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere will be needed to stabilize the earth’s climate system at a safe temperature (Hansen et al. 2008; Cao and Caldeira 2010; IPCC 2018, 2019). The minimum estimated cost of this drawdown is tens of trillions of dollars over the course of a century and ultimately will depend on the total amount of fossil carbon (C) emitted by humankind (emissions must be reduced as quickly as possible to make any drawdown effective). The cost of drawdown, while high, is a bargain when compared to the cost of unabated climate change.



一项科学共识是,需要从大气中减少大量(至少 1,000 Gt [1.1 × 1012 吨])的二氧化碳 (CO2) 以将地球气候系统稳定在安全温度(Hansen 等人, . 2008;Cao 和 Caldeira 2010;IPCC 2018、2019)。在一个世纪的过程中,这种缩减的最低估计成本为数十万亿美元,最终将取决于人类排放的化石碳 (C) 总量(必须尽快减少排放,以使任何缩减有效) )。与未减弱的气候变化的成本相比,缩编的成本虽然很高,但还是便宜的。