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Profile of David M. Kingsley [Profiles]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2025633118
Beth Azar

When talking about his career as a developmental and evolutionary biologist, Stanford University’s David M. Kingsley likes to say that “genetics works.” He means that genetics can solve biological problems that have long been mysterious. He has repeatedly put that theory to the test throughout his research career, initially using genetics to study a cellular process called receptor-mediated endocytosis. Kingsley subsequently discovered several genes controlling bone formation and repair in vertebrates and harnessed genetic tools to identify genes that underlie major evolutionary differences in natural species. In his joint Inaugural Article with long-time collaborator Dolph Schluter, Kingsley pinpoints a genetic region that appears to affect overall species fitness in stickleback fish (1). Kingsley is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.


David M. Kingsley的个人资料[个人资料]

谈到斯坦福大学的发展和进化生物学家时,斯坦福大学的戴维·金斯利(David M. Kingsley)喜欢说“遗传学有效”。他的意思是说遗传学可以解决长期以来一直神秘的生物学问题。在他的整个研究生涯中,他反复地对该理论进行了检验,最初是使用遗传学研究称为受体介导的内吞作用的细胞过程。金斯利随后发现了几个控制脊椎动物骨骼形成和修复的基因,并利用遗传工具来鉴定构成自然物种主要进化差异的基因。金斯利在与长期合作者多尔夫·施卢特(Dolph Schluter)的联合就职演说中指出了一个可能影响region鱼整体物种适应性的遗传区域(1)。金斯利是霍华德·休斯医学研究所的研究员,并当选为美国国家科学院在2011年。