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Women’s participation in snow-sports and sense of well-being: a positive psychology approach
Journal of Leisure Research ( IF 2.888 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-31 , DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2019.1702485
Mona Mirehie 1 , Heather J. Gibson 2

Abstract Participation in active leisure such as skiing and snowboarding can enhance physical and psychological health throughout life. The purpose of this study was to explore snow-sports participation experiences among women who exhibit a commitment to these sports with a focus on well-being outcomes. Thirteen in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with female skiers and snowboarders. Grounded theory methods were employed where initial open coding was suggestive of the prominence of well-being in the women’s narratives. Subsequent axial and selective coding was guided by Seligman’s five domains of well-being: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA). In the process of theoretical elaboration, a model outlining how these five domains manifest among these women is proposed showing how relationships and engagements are particularly prominent. As snow-sports participation continues to decline, especially among women, suggestions are made to increase women’s participation in these sports, with a focus on well-being.



摘要 参加滑雪、单板滑雪等积极的休闲活动,可以增强终生的身心健康。本研究的目的是探索对这些运动表现出承诺并专注于幸福结果的女性的雪上运动参与体验。对女性滑雪者和单板滑雪者进行了 13 次深入的半结构化访谈。在最初的开放编码暗示女性叙事中幸福感的突出之处,采用了扎根理论方法。随后的轴向和选择性编码由塞利格曼的五个幸福领域指导:积极情绪、参与、关系、意义和成就 (PERMA)。在理论阐述过程中,提出了一个概述这五个领域如何在这些女性中表现的模型,表明关系和参与是如何特别突出的。由于雪上运动的参与度持续下降,尤其是在女性中,有人建议增加女性对这些运动的参与度,重点是福祉。