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Hand-made well-being: Textile crafts as a source of eudaimonic well-being
Journal of Leisure Research ( IF 2.888 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2019.1688738
Sinikka Hannele Pöllänen 1 , Marja Katriina Weissmann-Hanski 1

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine how textile crafts are described as a psychological well-being-enhancing leisure activity in female textile craft makers’ narratives. To this, the stories of Rose, Ann, Mary and Sheila are depicted to represent how the eudaimonic intrinsic needs of doing, belonging, becoming and being were expressed in crafting. The qualitative study is based on written narratives of 65 female textile crafters aged 31–88 years. The data were analyzed using content analysis drawing on Wilcock’s theory of eudaimonic well-being. The narratives revealed that crafting improved the participants’ well-being in different ways. The results showed that the focus was not on seeking pleasure and satisfaction or on manufacturing need-based products but, above all, on crafting a richer and more purposeful life through self-actualization and excellence in doing, social connectedness in belonging, self-empowerment in becoming, and relief from stress in being.



摘要 本研究的目的是检验纺织工艺如何在女性纺织工艺制造商的叙述中被描述为一种增强心理幸福感的休闲活动。为此,Rose、Ann、Mary 和 Sheila 的故事被描绘成如何在手工艺中表达关于做、归属、成为和存在的 eudaimonic 内在需求。定性研究基于 65 名 31-88 岁女性纺织工匠的书面叙述。根据威尔科克的幸福感理论,使用内容分析对数据进行了分析。叙述表明,手工艺以不同的方式改善了参与者的幸福感。结果表明,重点不是寻求快乐和满足,也不是制造基于需求的产品,而是最重要的是,