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The Ne’emanei Ha-Torah movement, 1962-1971: An early version of Shas?
Journal of Israeli History ( IF 0.261 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13531042.2020.1812861
Nissim Leon 1

ABSTRACT This article offers a slightly different historical path toward understanding how Shas arrived on the Israeli political scene. This view highlights the ideological climate that prevailed among the Haredi elements of the Mizrahi religious leadership during the State of Israel’s formative years. These elements constituted a small Mizrahi religious circle – the Ne’emanei Ha-Torah movement that was active in Jerusalem during 1962–1971. Ne’emanei Ha-Torah was the site that consolidated the national and ethnic – Haredi and Mizrahi – political climate that served as an ideological home for those figures who, when Shas was founded, assumed spiritual-leadership roles within it.


Ne'emanei Ha-Torah 运动,1962-1971:Shas 的早期版本?

摘要 本文提供了一条稍微不同的历史路径,以帮助理解沙斯如何进入以色列政治舞台。这种观点突出了在以色列建国时期在 Mizrahi 宗教领导层的 Haredi 成员中盛行的意识形态氛围。这些元素构成了一个小型的 Mizrahi 宗教圈子——1962 年至 1971 年期间在耶路撒冷活跃的 Ne'emanei Ha-Torah 运动。Ne'emanei Ha-Torah 是巩固民族和种族(Haredi 和 Mizrahi)政治气候的场所,为那些在 Shas 成立时担任精神领袖角色的人物提供了意识形态的家园。