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Legacies of Kanjogera: women political elites and the transgression of gender norms in Rwanda
Journal of Eastern African Studies ( IF 1.828 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2019.1711313
Sarah E. Watkins 1 , Erin Jessee 2

ABSTRACT Kanjogera looms large in Rwandan history as a Queen Mother (1895–1931) – a position equal to that of the king – who wielded extraordinary political power. While she was not the first Rwandan woman to exercise this kind of power, she is arguably the most widely remembered in Rwandan popular culture largely due to the brutalities she allegedly inflicted upon her perceived enemies. But why do Kanjogera’s violent excesses stand out when other monarchical figures also occasionally used violence to maintain or expand their power? What might the way her name is invoked in the present tell us about modern Rwandan gender norms and people’s attitudes toward women who exercise significant political power? We respond to these questions by examining the permissible behaviours of Rwandan women political elites in historical perspective. Following an overview of Kanjogera’s political legacy, we turn our attention to two First Ladies, Agathe Kanziga (1973–1994) and Jeannette Kagame (2000-present) who, for different reasons, are occasionally referred to as modern incarnations of Kanjogera. In these two cases, we argue Kanjogera’s name serves as a rhetorical device that reveals ongoing anxieties about women exercising significant political power, while simultaneously undermining the politically prominent men with whom they are associated.



摘要堪若加拉(Kanjogera)曾在卢旺达历史上身为王后母亲(1895–1931),其地位与国王持平,后者拥有非凡的政治权力。尽管她不是卢旺达第一位行使这种权力的妇女,但可以说,她在卢旺达流行文化中被最广泛铭记,主要是因为据称她对自己的敌人施加了残酷暴行。但是,当其他君主制人物偶尔也使用暴力来维持或扩大自己的权力时,为什么坎约格拉的暴力过分突出呢?目前,她的名字被用什么方式告诉我们有关卢旺达的现代性别规范以及人们对行使重要政治权力的妇女的态度?我们通过历史角度审查卢旺达女政治精英的容许行为,以回应这些问题。在对坎约格拉的政治遗产进行概述之后,我们将注意力转向两位第一夫人,阿加特·坎齐加(Agathe Kanziga,1973–1994年)和珍妮特·卡加梅(Jeannette Kagame,2000年至今),由于不同的原因,他们有时被称为坎约格拉的现代化身。在这两种情况下,我们认为坎乔格拉(Kanjogera)的名字是一种修辞手法,揭示了对行使重要政治权力的妇女的持续焦虑,同时破坏了与她们有联系的政治上杰出的男人。