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Toward a Post-Schneiderian Perspective on Kinship
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 0.774 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/692004
Warren Shapiro

The so-called new kinship studies, inspired by David Schneider, are shown to be mistaken in arguing that non-Western kinship notions are not grounded in native appreciations of procreation. The argument is sustainable mostly by an almost complete neglect of the pertinent kinship terminologies. Attention to such terminologies, by contrast, shows that close procreative kin, even when superficially classed with others, including non-kin, are in fact subclassed as the semantically central members of their respective classes. It is further shown that evidence for this argument has been in the ethnographic literature for more than a century and has by now reached a point where it is nothing short of overwhelming.


