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A Cosmology of Conservation in the Ancient Maya World
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 0.774 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/698698
Lisa J. Lucero

The Classic Maya of the southern lowlands were one with world rather than one with nature, a view that promoted the conservation of their world for millennia, what I term a cosmology of conservation. I explore how their cosmocentric worldview fostered biodiversity and conservation by discussing the ceremonial circuit and pilgrimage destination of Cara Blanca, Belize. Here the Maya left a minimal footprint in the form of ceremonial buildings from which they performed ceremonies, doing their part to maintain the world at several of the 25 water bodies/portals to the underworld. The Maya intensified their visits when several prolonged droughts struck between 800 and 900 ce; it was to no avail, and many Maya emigrated and have successfully renegotiated their relationship in the world to the present day. Their history of engagement serves as a lesson for present society, one that cannot be ignored.



南部低地的经典玛雅人与世界融为一体,而不是与自然融为一体,这种观点促进了数千年来对他们世界的保护,我称之为保护的宇宙学。我通过讨论伯利兹卡拉布兰卡的礼仪路线和朝圣目的地,探索他们的宇宙中心世界观如何促进生物多样性和保护。在这里,玛雅人以仪式建筑的形式留下了最少的足迹,他们在那里举行仪式,在 25 个水体/通往冥界的门户中的几个水体/门户中尽自己的一份力量来维护世界。公元 800 至 900 年间发生了几次长期干旱,玛雅人加强了他们的访问。这无济于事,许多玛雅人移民并成功地重新谈判了他们在世界上的关系直到今天。