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Architectural Hybridity in Iberian Southeast Asia, 1580–1640
Itinerario ( IF 0.200 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0165115317000407
Pedro Luengo

The Union of the Iberian Crowns (1580–1640) promoted a wider cultural exchange between Portuguese and Spanish Asian settlements in Asia. This paper identifies the remarkable circulation of artisans and patrons and the development of new building techniques during this period, which allowed for a shared cultural dialogue that may be best described as forms of mestizage . So, it tries to address the mobility of patrons and architects, which helps explain the diffusion of techniques and models. The first case shows how cultural dialogue promoted new techniques from local traditions and materials, which were later used in neighbouring settlements. The second demonstrates the role these mixed solutions played in the creation of the image of a pure state, in the form of public palaces, a mestizo society, mainly in urban houses, and a local cultural resistance, keeping traditional housing forms in the native quarters. Thanks to this approach, the currently preserved built heritage can be seen not only as a European cultural transfer but also as the result of a fruitful global dialogue.



伊比利亚王室联盟(1580-1640 年)促进了葡萄牙和西班牙亚洲人在亚洲定居点之间更广泛的文化交流。本文确定了这一时期工匠和赞助人的显着流通以及新建筑技术的发展,这使得共享文化对话成为可能,最好将其描述为传播形式。因此,它试图解决赞助人和建筑师的流动性问题,这有助于解释技术和模型的传播。第一个案例展示了文化对话如何从当地传统和材料中推广新技术,这些技术后来被用于邻近的定居点。第二个展示了这些混合解决方案在创造纯粹国家形象方面所发挥的作用,以公共宫殿的形式,混血社会,主要是在城市房屋中,以及当地的文化抵抗,在当地保留传统的住房形式。由于这种方法,目前保存下来的建筑遗产不仅可以被视为欧洲文化的转移,还可以被视为富有成效的全球对话的结果。