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Decolonization, Environmentalism and Nationalism in Australia and South Africa
Itinerario ( IF 0.200 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0165115317000079
Brett M Bennett

Decolonization influenced the rise of environmental activism and thought in Australia and South Africa in ways that have been overlooked by national histories of environmentalism and imperial histories of decolonization. Australia and South Africa’s political and cultural movement away from Britain and the Commonwealth during the 1960s is one important factor explaining why people in both countries created more, and more important, public indigenous botanic gardens than anywhere else in the world during that decade. Effective decolonization from Britain also influenced the rise of indigenous gardening and the growing popularity of native gardens at a critical period in gardening and environmental history. Most facets of contemporary gardening—using plants indigenous to the site or region, planting drought-tolerant species, and seeing gardens as sites to help conserve regional and national flora—can be dated to the 1960s and 1970s. The interpretation advanced here adds to historical research tracing how the former Commonwealth settler colonies experienced effective decolonization in the same era. This article expands the focus of research on decolonization to include environmentalism. The interpretation of the article also augments national environmental histories that have hitherto downplayed the influence of decolonization on the rise of environmentalism. Putting decolonization into the history of the rise of environmental thought and action sheds light on why people in contemporary Australia and South Africa are so passionate about protecting indigenous flora and fauna, and so worried about threats posed by non-native invasive species.



非殖民化影响了澳大利亚和南非环境激进主义和思想的兴起,其方式被国家环保主义历史和非殖民化帝国历史所忽视。澳大利亚和南非在 1960 年代远离英国和英联邦的政治和文化运动是解释为什么这十年中这两个国家的人们创建的公共土著植物园比世界上其他任何地方都更多、更重要的一个重要因素。在园艺和环境历史的关键时期,英国的有效非殖民化也影响了本土园艺的兴起和本土花园的日益普及。当代园艺的大多数方面——使用当地或地区的本土植物,种植耐旱物种,将花园视为有助于保护区域和国家植物群的场所——可以追溯到 1960 年代和 1970 年代。这里提出的解释增加了历史研究,追踪前英联邦定居者殖民地在同一时代如何经历有效的非殖民化。本文将非殖民化研究的重点扩展到环保主义。这篇文章的解释也增强了国家环境史,这些史迄今淡化了非殖民化对环保主义兴起的影响。将非殖民化纳入环境思想和行动兴起的历史,揭示了为什么当代澳大利亚和南非的人们如此热衷于保护本土动植物,并如此担心非本土入侵物种构成的威胁。