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How Archimedes Proposed to Move the Earth
Isis ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1086/710317
Sylvia Berryman

In 1958 A. G. Drachmann examined the ancient reports concerning Archimedes’ demonstration that he could haul a ship single-handedly. This story is often associated with Archimedes’ boast, “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the Earth.” The reports concerning Archimedes’ ship-hauling feat offer conflicting accounts of the technology used: pulleys, overhead crane, windlass, or screw. Drachmann suggested that the device used was actually a composite of pulley, windlass, and screw. However, scholarship on Archimedes has overlooked a passing remark by the Neoplatonist Olympiodorus, which links Archimedes’ boast about moving the Earth to the invention of a device called a baroulkos. Although the baroulkos is generally thought to have been invented three centuries later, this essay argues that Olympiodorus’s ascription of it to Archimedes makes most sense of the testimonia and that this overlooked piece of evidence makes a significant contribution to our understanding of Hellenistic technology.



1958 年,AG Drachmann 研究了有关阿基米德证明他可以单手拖船的古老报告。这个故事经常与阿基米德的吹嘘有关,“给我一个站立的地方,我将移动地球。” 关于阿基米德的船舶运输壮举的报告对所使用的技术提供了相互矛盾的描述:滑轮、高架起重机、起锚机或螺钉。Drachmann 建议使用的装置实际上是滑轮、锚机和螺钉的复合材料。然而,关于阿基米德的学术研究忽略了新柏拉图主义者奥林匹奥多鲁斯的一句话,该评论将阿基米德关于移动地球的吹嘘与一种叫做巴鲁科斯的装置的发明联系起来。尽管人们普遍认为 baroulkos 是在三个世纪之后发明的,