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The Other Demarcation Problem
Isis ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/706533
Michael D. Gordin

Superstition is an awkward category for historians of science, and they do not typically use it. Scientists, on the contrary, frequently do, often in loose terms to describe those beliefs that conflict with or simply ignore what science has revealed about nature’s truths. Occasionally the term has been weaponized to decry claims of which they decidedly do not approve, most memorably in the 1994 opening salvo of the Science Wars, Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt’s Higher Superstition—a frontal attack on science studies as an anti-science movement engineered by feminists and the “academic left”—which inspired Alan Sokal’s hoax and a great deal of hand-wringing within our field. Rarely, scientists invoke superstition more concretely. My favorite example is B. F. Skinner’s classic 1948 article “‘Superstition’ in the Pigeon,” which describes how he randomly fed hungry pigeons some tasty pellets. The pigeons, which were of course bobbing and weaving hither and yon as pigeons are wont to do, associated some of their intrinsic maneuvers with the arrival of pellets, which reinforced a nonexistent relationship and led to a repetition of those behaviors in expectation that they would yield another meal. “The experiment might be said to demonstrate a sort of superstition,” Skinner wrote puckishly. “The bird behaves as if there were a causal relation between its behavior and the presentation of food, although such a relation is lacking.” The joke here, of course, is that the arch-behaviorist Skinner did not believe that internal states of mind were accessible to the scientist, and what is superstition except an internal belief? Skinner deployed the category ironically; we are not meant to take it seriously. John Burnham, by contrast, intended the readers of How Superstition Won and Science Lost to take superstition very seriously indeed. Burnham’s “superstition” was not an actors’ category but an analytic one, and he wielded it somewhat more in the fashion of Gross and Levitt than Skinner. (The latter has a cameo on p. 104, but, sadly, it is not in reference to the pigeons.) In this impressive study of the popularization of science across two centuries of American history—a research burden that is almost unimaginable for an age before computerized databases and text searching—Burnhampenned a polemic in an elegiacmode about the decline of a genuine public conversation on science that had been replaced by a morass of fads, fantasies, and sheer poppycock



迷信对于科学史家来说是一个尴尬的类别,他们通常不使用它。相反,科学家们经常这样做,通常用宽松的术语来描述那些与科学揭示的关于自然真理的内容相冲突或完全无视的信念。有时,这个词被武器化来谴责他们坚决不同意的主张,最令人难忘的是 1994 年科学大战的开场,保罗·格罗斯和诺曼·莱维特的高等迷信——对科学研究作为反科学的正面攻击由女权主义者和“学术左派”策划的运动——这激发了艾伦索卡尔的恶作剧和我们领域内的大量痛苦。很少有科学家更具体地援引迷信。我最喜欢的例子是 BF Skinner 1948 年的经典文章“鸽子中的‘迷信’,”这描述了他如何随机给饥饿的鸽子喂食一些美味的颗粒。鸽子当然会像鸽子惯常那样四处摆动和编织,将它们的一些内在动作与颗粒的到来联系起来,这加强了一种不存在的关系并导致重复这些行为,期望它们会再吃一顿。“可以说这个实验证明了一种迷信,”斯金纳顽皮地写道。“这只鸟的行为就好像它的行为与食物的呈现之间存在因果关系,尽管缺乏这种关系。” 当然,这里的笑话是,主要行为主义者斯金纳不相信科学家可以接触到内在的心理状态,除了内在信念之外,还有什么迷信?斯金纳讽刺地部署了这个类别;我们并不打算认真对待它。相比之下,约翰·伯纳姆 (John Burnham) 希望《迷信如何获胜》和《科学迷失》的读者确实非常认真地对待迷信。伯纳姆的“迷信”不是演员的范畴,而是分析的范畴,他以格罗斯和莱维特的方式运用它,而不是斯金纳。(后者在第 104 页有一个客串,但遗憾的是,它与鸽子无关。)在这项对跨越两个世纪美国历史的科学普及的令人印象深刻的研究中——这是一项几乎无法想象的研究负担在计算机化数据库和文本搜索之前的时代——伯恩汉彭以挽歌的形式进行了一场辩论,关于真正的科学公开对话的衰落已被时尚、幻想和纯粹的罂粟花的泥沼所取代 旨在让《迷信如何获胜》和《科学迷失》的读者非常认真地对待迷信。伯纳姆的“迷信”不是演员的范畴,而是分析的范畴,他以格罗斯和莱维特的方式运用它,而不是斯金纳。(后者在第 104 页有一个客串,但遗憾的是,它与鸽子无关。)在这项对跨越两个世纪美国历史的科学普及的令人印象深刻的研究中——这是一项几乎无法想象的研究负担在计算机化数据库和文本搜索出现之前的时代——伯恩汉彭以挽歌的形式进行了一场辩论,即关于科学的真正公共对话的衰落已被时尚、幻想和纯粹的罂粟花的泥沼所取代 旨在让《迷信如何获胜》和《科学迷失》的读者非常认真地对待迷信。伯纳姆的“迷信”不是演员的范畴,而是分析的范畴,他以格罗斯和莱维特的方式运用它,而不是斯金纳。(后者在第 104 页有一个客串,但遗憾的是,它与鸽子无关。)在这项对跨越两个世纪美国历史的科学普及的令人印象深刻的研究中——这是一项几乎无法想象的研究负担在计算机化数据库和文本搜索出现之前的时代——伯恩汉彭以挽歌的形式进行了一场辩论,即关于科学的真正公共对话的衰落已被时尚、幻想和纯粹的罂粟花的泥沼所取代 伯纳姆的“迷信”不是演员的范畴,而是分析的范畴,他以格罗斯和莱维特的方式运用它,而不是斯金纳。(后者在第 104 页有一个客串,但遗憾的是,它与鸽子无关。)在这项关于跨越两个世纪美国历史的科学普及的令人印象深刻的研究中——这是一项几乎无法想象的研究负担在计算机化数据库和文本搜索之前的时代——伯恩汉彭以挽歌的形式进行了一场辩论,关于真正的科学公开对话的衰落已被时尚、幻想和纯粹的罂粟花的泥沼所取代 伯纳姆的“迷信”不是演员的范畴,而是分析的范畴,他以格罗斯和莱维特的方式运用它,而不是斯金纳。(后者在第 104 页有一个客串,但遗憾的是,它与鸽子无关。)在这项关于跨越两个世纪美国历史的科学普及的令人印象深刻的研究中——这是一项几乎无法想象的研究负担在计算机化数据库和文本搜索出现之前的时代——伯恩汉彭以挽歌的形式进行了一场辩论,即关于科学的真正公共对话的衰落已被时尚、幻想和纯粹的罂粟花的泥沼所取代