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How Do Women and Men Use Extra Time? Housework and Childcare after the French 35-Hour Workweek Regulation
European Sociological Review ( IF 4.099 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-09 , DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcz039
Ariane Pailhé 1 , Anne Solaz 1 , Arthur Souletie 2

This paper analyses how and when men and women devote their extra time to childcare and housework by exploiting an exogenous shock in scheduling: the partial implementation of the 35-hour workweek reform in France. Using propensity score matching and the most recent time use survey (INSEE, 2010), we show that time reallocations differ by gender and day of the week. While men dedicate their extra time to performing more housework on weekdays in the form of mainly time-flexible tasks such as repairs or shopping, they do less on weekends. This shift from weekends to weekdays is not observed for women who perform day-to-day tasks that are less transferable. Women spend more time on childcare and reduce multitasking. Overall, task specialization by gender is more pronounced, and this gendered use of similar extra time illustrates that time allocation is not only a question of time availability. In particular, men and women ‘do gender’ at weekends, when performing tasks is more visible to others.


女性和男性如何利用额外时间?法国每周工作 35 小时规定后的家务和育儿

本文分析了男性和女性如何以及何时通过利用日程安排中的外生冲击来将额外的时间用于育儿和家务:法国部分实施了每周工作 35 小时的改革。使用倾向得分匹配和最近的时间使用调查(INSEE,2010),我们表明时间重新分配因性别和星期几而异。虽然男性在工作日将额外的时间用于更多的家务劳动,主要是时间灵活的任务,如修理或购物,但他们在周末做的更少。对于执行不易转移的日常任务的女性来说,没有观察到从周末到工作日的这种转变。女性将更多时间花在育儿上,减少同时处理多项任务。总体而言,按性别划分的任务专业化更为明显,这种类似的额外时间的性别使用说明时间分配不仅仅是时间可用性的问题。特别是,男性和女性在周末“做性别”,因为在执行任务时其他人更容易看到。