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Nazareth Village and the Creation of the Holy Land in Israel-Palestine
Current Anthropology ( IF 3.226 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/708762
Lena Rose

This article makes useful for the study of Christianity Talal Asad’s concept of Islam as a discursive tradition. It investigates how a particular theological position and practice, or “orthodoxy,” within evangelicalism is maintained and lived out. Its goal is to highlight evangelical orthodoxy as a relationship of power and explore the ways in which evangelical beliefs and practice are conditioned by and result in social and political consequences. To do this, it explores the example of the living history museum Nazareth Village in Israel-Palestine, developed jointly by American and Palestinian Israeli evangelicals, which reconstructs Jewish first-century life in the center of a Palestinian Israeli town. I argue that Nazareth Village recreates a particular imagination of the biblical first century that animates evangelical imaginations of and investments in what Israel ought to be like today. The powerful theologies that propel it stand in contrast to local Palestinian evangelical ideas of the “Holy Land.”



本文有助于研究基督教 Talal Asad 将伊斯兰教视为一种话语传统的概念。它调查了福音派中特定的神学立场和实践,或“正统观念”是如何维持和活出的。其目标是突出福音派正统作为一种权力关系,并探索福音派信仰和实践受社会和政治后果制约并导致社会和政治后果的方式。为此,它探索了以色列 - 巴勒斯坦的生活历史博物馆拿撒勒村的例子,该博物馆由美国和巴勒斯坦以色列福音派人士共同开发,它重建了一个巴勒斯坦以色列城镇中心的犹太人一世纪的生活。我认为拿撒勒村重新创造了圣经第一世纪的特殊想象,它激发了福音派对今天以色列应该是什么样子的想象和投资。推动它的强大神学与当地巴勒斯坦福音派的“圣地”思想形成鲜明对比。