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The Fates of the West: Globalization, Populism, and the Prospects for Western Liberalism
Business History Review ( IF 1.500 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0007680518000727
Daniel J. Sargent

Tumbling barriers once heralded globalization's ascent. The abolition of capital controls propelled the integration of financial markets from the mid-1970s, and the free movement of capital, goods, services, and labor soon became foundational commitments for the European Union. Multilateral trade reforms, orchestrated after 1995 by the new World Trade Organization, lowered barriers to commerce, while telecommunications and transportation technologies slashed the costs of long-distance transactions. In a stunning development, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 showcased the incapacity of even totalitarian regimes to contain the desires of ordinary citizens for freedom, openness, and global engagement. Recalling that halcyon moment, when a bifurcated Cold War subsided and a new era of globalization and openness took tangible form, the journalist Edward Luce invokes Wordsworth: “Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive.”



翻滚的障碍曾经预示着全球化的兴起。从 70 年代中期开始,资本管制的废除推动了金融市场的一体化,资本、商品、服务和劳动力的自由流动很快成为欧盟的基本承诺。1995 年后新的世界贸易组织精心策划的多边贸易改革降低了商业壁垒,而电信和运输技术则削减了长途交易的成本。令人震惊的是,1989 年柏林墙的倒塌表明,即使是极权主义政权也无法遏制普通公民对自由、开放和全球参与的渴望。回顾那个平静的时刻,当分叉的冷战平息,全球化和开放的新时代出现时,