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A Premature Postmortem on the Chicago School of Antitrust
Business History Review ( IF 1.500 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0007680519001193
Daniel A. Crane

The Chicago School of antitrust is often thought to have killed off antitrust enforcement beginning in the late 1970s. In fact, although Chicago school prescriptions were significantly more laissez-faire than the structuralist school Chicago replaced, antitrust enforcement did not die under Chicago's influence. Rather, by directing antitrust to focus on technical economic analysis, Chicago contributed to the creation of a large and entrenched class of antitrust professionals—economists and lawyers—with a vested interest in preserving antitrust as a legal and regulatory enterprise. Today, Chicago School's consumer welfare standard and specific enforcement prescriptions are coming increasingly under political pressure and may be replaced or supplemented in the near term. But Chicago's redirection of antitrust toward technical economic analysis and technocratic reasoning seems likely to remain a durable legacy.



人们通常认为芝加哥反垄断学派从 1970 年代后期开始就扼杀了反垄断执法。事实上,尽管芝加哥学校的处方比芝加哥取代的结构主义学校明显更加自由放任,但反垄断执法并没有在芝加哥的影响下消亡。相反,通过指导反垄断将重点放在技术经济分析上,芝加哥促成了大量根深蒂固的反垄断专业人士——经济学家和律师——的产生,他们在维护反垄断作为法律和监管企业方面具有既得利益。如今,芝加哥学派的消费者福利标准和具体的执法处方正面临越来越大的政治压力,并可能在短期内被替代或补充。但是芝加哥'