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Treason in an Era of Regime Change: The Case of the Habsburg Monarchy
Austrian History Yearbook ( IF 0.400 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0067237819000079
Mark Cornwall

W hatever we call “treason” — Hochverrat, trahison, velezrada, veleizdaja, felsegsertes —it has been a constant phenomenon in human history. The “traitor,” the individual who breaks a major bond of trust, has emerged in every era and is usually treated as a pariah in society. At the most significant treason trial of the late Habsburg monarchy, that of fifty-three Serbs in Zagreb in 1909, the main defense lawyer Hinko Hinkovic began his concluding speech with a typical legal adage: that treason was “the most loathsome thing” imaginable. Down the centuries, he said, humanity had singled out two types of traitors. First, there were those who betrayed God, best personified in Judas Iscariot. Second, there were traitors to the nation such as the Spartan Ephialtes who, according to Herodotus, fatally betrayed his homeland to the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BCE. While both types were “repulsive and terrible,” Hinkovic quickly opined that the latter—the national traitor—was really the most terrible. However, with an eye on the Serbs he was defending, he added that some national treasons were not actually directed against the nation. For where national aspirations did not mesh with state aspirations, or where the state was not the same as the homeland ( otacbina )—there, a deed that the state might consider treasonous could be viewed as a heroic, patriotic act by the nation. In other words, treason could be interpreted as liberation from oppression, and numerous examples might be cited in this regard from recent Habsburg history, not least the way that the Magyars were now able to celebrate and memorialize the traitor-liberator Lajos Kossuth.



无论我们称之为“叛国”——Hochverrat、trahison、velezrada、veleizdaja、felsegsertes——它一直是人类历史上一个持续存在的现象。“叛徒”,即打破主要信任纽带的个人,在每个时代都出现过,通常被视为社会的贱民。1909 年在萨格勒布对哈布斯堡王朝末期君主制最重要的叛国罪审判中,主要辩护律师欣科·欣科维奇 (Hinko Hinkovic) 以一句典型的法律格言开始了他的总结演讲:叛国罪是可以想象的“最令人厌恶的事情”。他说,几个世纪以来,人类已经挑出了两种叛徒。首先,有背叛上帝的人,最好的化身是加略人犹大。其次,根据希罗多德的说法,有一些国家的叛徒,例如斯巴达的埃菲阿尔特人,公元前 480 年,他在温泉关致命地将他的祖国出卖给了波斯人。虽然这两种类型都“令人厌恶和可怕”,但欣科维奇很快认为后者——民族叛徒——真的是最可怕的。然而,着眼于他所捍卫的塞尔维亚人,他补充说,一些民族叛国实际上并不是针对这个国家的。因为在民族志向与国家志向不一致的地方,或者在国家与祖国不同的地方( otacbina )——在那里,国家可能认为叛国的行为可以被视为民族的英勇爱国行为。换句话说,叛国罪可以被解释为从压迫中解放出来,在这方面可以从哈布斯堡王朝最近的历史中引用许多例子,