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Incarcerated Fatherhood: The Entanglements of Child Support Debt and Mass Imprisonment
American Journal of Sociology ( IF 4.800 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-01 , DOI: 10.1086/697580
Lynne Haney

With evidence comprising three years of ethnographic research in child support courts and 125 in-depth interviews with formerly incarcerated fathers, the author shows how criminal justice and child support provisions work in tandem to create complicated entanglements for fathers. She develops the concept of incarcerated fatherhood—a matrix of laws, policies, and institutional practices that shape formerly incarcerated men’s relationship to parenting. On the one hand, she analyzes the debt of imprisonment, or the material costs of paternal incarceration; on the other, she examines the imprisonment of debt, or the punitive costs of child support debt. She then brings these two entanglements together to analyze their effects on men’s lives as fathers. Instead of “piling up” in men’s lives, these entanglements work in circular ways to form feedback loops of disadvantage that create serious obstacles for men as parents and complicate precisely those relationships proven essential for reintegration after prison: familial relations of care, reciprocity, and interdependence.



证据包括在儿童抚养法庭进行的三年民族志研究和对以前被监禁的父亲的 125 次深入访谈,作者展示了刑事司法和儿童抚养条款如何协同工作,为父亲造成复杂的纠缠。她提出了被监禁的父亲的概念——一个法律、政策和制度实践的矩阵,塑造了以前被监禁的男性与养育子女的关系。一方面,她分析了监禁的债务,或父亲监禁的物质成本;另一方面,她研究了债务的监禁,或子女抚养费债务的惩罚性费用。然后,她将这两种纠缠在一起,分析它们对男性作为父亲的生活的影响。与其“堆积”在男人的生活中,