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Slahi: An African Story
African Studies Review ( IF 1.820 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2020.24
Abbass Braham

Mohamedou Ould Slahi is arguably one of the most famous contemporary Mauritanians worldwide. This is largely owed to his Guantánamo Diary, a bestseller that he penned while he was an inmate in Guantánamo prison. The memoir appeared in January of 2015, reflecting on Slahi’s plight as a wrongly incarcerated detainee in the (in)famous jail. Prosaic and sincere, the book, so far the only voice of a Guantánamo detainee, depicts the wretched life within a Kafkaesque oubliette, an impersonal, yet rationalized and inhumane, castle where legality is suspended in a state of exception. Slahi’s story is about the inside humane oscillations of a homo sacer, struggling to come to terms with his difficult situation. Ever since the book appeared, and after Slahi’s release and return to his home country of Mauritania in October 2016, Slahi’s post-Guantánamo life has attracted attention from communities of readers worldwide. This aggregate interest is now accumulating in a forthcoming Hollywood movie based on Slahi’s story. Various factors conspire to encourage this interest, much of which involves the politics of reading, imagination, and hermeneutics of the respective readers. Yet I will argue that the story should interest Africanists as well. First, Slahi’s is a Mauritanian story, telling us numerous facts about African culture and politics in the region and how they coalesce in Slahi’s story. Second, even from a theological perspective Slahi’s intellectual and personal profile reflects a story of African post-Islamism, a theology of forgiveness rarely outlined in the literature. Third, Slahi is also a public intellectual, contributing to the debates in Mauritania, which gives his story a reflexive dimension and an agency lacking in other obscure Guantánamo detainees. In short, Slahi tells a story that is distinct from the typical Guantánamo and terrorism-linked profiles, a story that is situated in a specific African context.



Mohamedou Ould Slahi 可以说是全球最著名的当代毛里塔尼亚人之一。这主要归功于他的《关塔那摩日记》,这是他在关塔那摩监狱的囚犯期间撰写的畅销书。这本回忆录于 2015 年 1 月出版,反映了斯拉希作为(著名)监狱中被错误监禁的被拘留者的困境。这本书平淡而真诚,迄今为止是关塔那摩被拘留者的唯一声音,它描绘了卡夫卡式监狱中的悲惨生活,这是一座没有人情味但合理化和不人道的城堡,合法性在例外状态中暂停。Slahi 的故事是关于一位圣人的内心人性波动,努力适应他的困境。自从这本书问世以来,在斯拉希于 2016 年 10 月获释并返回他的祖国毛里塔尼​​亚之后,斯拉希在关塔那摩之后的生活引起了全世界读者社区的关注。现在,人们对一部基于 Slahi 故事的即将上映的好莱坞电影越来越感兴趣。各种因素共同促进了这种兴趣,其中大部分涉及各自读者的阅读政治、想象力和诠释学。然而,我认为这个故事也应该引起非洲人的兴趣。首先,Slahi's 是一个毛里塔尼亚的故事,它告诉我们有关该地区非洲文化和政治的许多事实,以及它们如何在 Slahi 的故事中融合。其次,即使从神学的角度来看,斯拉希的知识分子和个人形象也反映了非洲后伊斯兰主义的故事,这是文学中很少概述的宽恕神学。第三,斯拉希也是一名公共知识分子,为毛里塔尼亚的辩论做出了贡献,这使他的故事具有反身性,并且是其他不起眼的关塔那摩被拘留者所缺乏的。简而言之,Slahi 讲述了一个不同于典型的关塔那摩和恐怖主义相关资料的故事,一个位于特定非洲背景下的故事。