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Improved bounds for pencils of lines
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1090/proc/14641
Oliver Roche-Newton , Audie Warren

Abstract:We consider a question raised by Rudnev: given four pencils of $ n$ concurrent lines in $ \mathbb{R}^2$, with the four centres of the pencils non-collinear, what is the maximum possible size of the set of points where four lines meet? Our main result states that the number of such points is $ O(n^{11/6})$, improving a result of Chang and Solymosi. We also consider constructions for this problem. Alon, Ruzsa, and Solymosi constructed an arrangement of four non-collinear $ n$-pencils which determine $ \Omega (n^{3/2})$ four-rich points. We give a construction to show that this is not tight, improving this lower bound by a logarithmic factor. We also give a construction of a set of $ m$ $ n$-pencils, whose centres are in general position, that determine $ \Omega _m(n^{3/2})$ $ m$-rich points.
References [Enhancements On Off] (What's this?)
  • [1] N. Alon, I. Ruzsa, and J. Solymosi, Sums, products and ratios along the edges of a graph, preprint, arXiv:1802.06405, 2018.
  • [2]



摘要:我们考虑鲁德涅夫提出的一个问题:给定四根$ n $同时存在的铅笔,且铅笔的四个中心不共线,那么四根线相交的点集的最大可能大小是多少?我们的主要结果表明,此类点的数量为,改善了Chang和Solymosi的结果。我们还考虑了此问题的构造。Alon,Ruzsa和Solymosi构建了四个非共线铅笔的排列,这些铅笔确定了四个富点。我们给出了一个结构来表明这并不严格,通过对数因子改善了该下限。我们还给出了一组-铅笔的构造,这些铅笔的中心在一般位置上,它们确定-富点。 $ \ mathbb {R} ^ 2 $ $ O(n ^ {11/6})$$ n $ $ \ Omega(n ^ {3/2})$$ m $ $ n $ $ \ Omega _m(n ^ {3/2})$ $ m $
参考文献[增强功能 关](这是什么?)
  • [1] N.Alon,I.Ruzsa和J.Solymosi,《沿图表边缘的求和,乘积和比率》,预印本,arXiv:1802.06405,2018年。
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