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Evolution of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) as an escape from ecological niche conservatism in Malagasy Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae)
bioRxiv - Evolutionary Biology Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.09.426039
Alexander Gamisch , Winter Klaus , Gunter A. Fischer , Hans Peter Comes

Despite growing evidence that niche shifts are more common in flowering plants than previously thought, still little is known about the key physiological (e.g. photosynthesis) traits underlying such niche shifts. To address this question, we here combine a comprehensively sampled phylogeny for mostly epiphytic Malagasy Bulbophyllum orchids (c. 210 spp.) with climatic niche and carbon isotope-derived photosynthesis data to infer the groups spatial-temporal history and to test the role of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), a highly water-use efficient type of photosynthesis, in facilitating niche shifts and diversification. We find that most extant species still retain niche (Central Highland) and photosynthesis (C3) states as likely present in the single mid-Miocene (c. 12.70 Ma) ancestor colonizing Madagascar. However, we also infer a major transition to CAM, linked to a late Miocene (c. 7.36 Ma) invasion of species from the sub-humid highland niche first into the islands humid eastern coastal, and then into the seasonally dry "Northwest Sambirano" rainforests, yet without significant effect on diversification rates. These findings support the rarely recognized hypothesis that CAM in tropical epiphytes may be selectively advantageous even in high rainfall habitats, rather than presenting a mere adaptation to dry environments or epiphytism per se. Overall, our study qualifies CAM as an evolutionary "gateway" trait that considerably widened the spatial-ecological amplitude of Madagascars most species-rich orchid genus.



尽管越来越多的证据表明,生态位转变在开花植物中比以前认为的更为普遍,但对于这种生态位转变背后的关键生理(例如光合作用)性状知之甚少。为了解决这个问题,我们在这里将主要为附生的马达加斯加Bulbophyllum兰花(约210 spp。)的综合采样系统发育与气候位和碳同位素衍生的光合作用数据相结合,以推断群体的时空历史并测试Crassulacean的作用酸代谢(CAM)是一种高度节水的光合作用类型,可促进生态位转移和多样化。我们发现大多数现存物种仍保留生态位(中央高地)和光合作用(C3)状态,这可能存在于马达加斯加定居的中新世中期(约12.70 Ma)。然而,我们还推断了向CAM的重大过渡,这与中新世晚期(约7.36 Ma)从半湿润的高地利基物种入侵到湿润的东部沿海岛屿,然后进入季节性干燥的“西北Sambirano”雨林有关,但对多元化率没有重大影响。这些发现支持了鲜为人知的假说,即即使在高降雨环境中,热带附生植物中的CAM也可能具有选择性优势,而不是仅仅适应干旱环境或附生本身。总体而言,我们的研究将CAM视为一种进化的“门户”特质,可大大拓宽马达加斯加大多数物种丰富的兰花属的空间生态幅度。36 Ma)物种从半湿润的高地生态位入侵首先进入湿润的东部沿海岛屿,然后进入季节性干燥的“西北三昧兰”雨林,但对多样化率没有明显影响。这些发现支持了鲜为人知的假说,即即使在高降雨环境中,热带附生植物中的CAM也可能具有选择性优势,而不是仅仅适应干旱环境或附生本身。总体而言,我们的研究将CAM视为一种进化的“门户”特质,可大大拓宽马达加斯加大多数物种丰富的兰花属的空间生态幅度。36 Ma)物种从半湿润的高地生态位入侵首先进入湿润的东部沿海岛屿,然后进入季节性干燥的“西北三昧兰”雨林,但对多样化率没有明显影响。这些发现支持了鲜为人知的假说,即即使在高降雨环境中,热带附生植物中的CAM也可能具有选择性优势,而不是仅仅适应干旱环境或附生本身。总体而言,我们的研究将CAM视为一种进化的“门户”特质,可大大拓宽马达加斯加大多数物种丰富的兰花属的空间生态幅度。这些发现支持了鲜为人知的假设,即热带附生植物中的CAM即使在高雨量生境中也可能有选择地发挥优势,而不是仅仅适应干旱环境或附生本身。总体而言,我们的研究将CAM视为一种进化的“门户”特质,可大大拓宽马达加斯加大多数物种丰富的兰花属的空间生态幅度。这些发现支持了鲜为人知的假设,即热带附生植物中的CAM即使在高雨量生境中也可能有选择地发挥优势,而不是仅仅适应干旱环境或附生本身。总体而言,我们的研究将CAM视为一种进化的“门户”特质,可大大拓宽马达加斯加大多数物种丰富的兰花属的空间生态幅度。