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Effects of vacant lots on human health: A systematic review of the evidence
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.104020
C.J. Sivak , Amber L. Pearson , Piper Hurlburt

The corpus of research concerned with high-quality greenspace and human health indicates that greenspace promotes health and lowers stress in many communities across the world. What is less understood is how poor-quality greenspaces (e.g., vacant lots) may influence health. While the research in this area is broad as a whole, there is yet to be a systematic review of the evidence to date. To inform future health researchers and urban planners, we conducted a systematic review, using the PRISMA guidelines, of the effects of vacant lots on human health or health risks, using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science with [(empty OR vacant OR abandoned) AND (lot* OR parcel* OR tract*) AND (human OR public) AND health OR “urban blight”] as search terms, registered with Prospero (ID 168381). Our search yielded an initial 438 academic manuscripts which were then further sorted and screened to the 22 manuscripts retained and included in this review. Of these studies, conducted between 2008 and 2019, all but three (19/22) were carried out in the USA, often in Philadelphia, PA. Health effects identified included stress, mental health, self-reported physical activity, heart rate, homicide, blood lead levels; health risks included crime, gun violence, insect vectors, parasites, heavy metal contamination, and injuries. Among experimental studies (n = 11), 73% showed that ‘greening’ of vacant lots improved health, while 18% showed some neutral effects and one study showed a decline in health. The main limitations of the current evidence include narrow health outcomes investigated, small sample size, short follow-up and limited geographic scope of studies.



有关高质量绿色空间和人类健康的研究表明,绿色空间可以促进健康,并减轻全世界许多社区的压力。鲜为人知的是劣质的绿色空间(例如,空置地块)如何影响健康。尽管该领域的研究总体上是广泛的,但迄今为止,尚未对证据进行系统的审查。为了通知未来的健康研究人员和城市规划人员,我们使用PRISMA指南,使用PubMed,Scopus和Web of Science对[空(空白或空置或废弃)进行空缺对人类健康或健康风险的影响进行了系统的审查)和(批次*或包裹*或区域*)和(人类或公共场所)以及健康或“城市疫病”]作为搜索字词,已在Prospero(ID 168381)中注册。我们的搜索产生了最初的438篇学术手稿,然后对其进行了进一步的分类和筛选,以筛选出保留并包含在本评论中的22篇手稿。在2008年至2019年之间进行的这些研究中,除三项研究(19/22)外,其他研究都是在美国进行的,通常在宾夕法尼亚州的费城进行。确定的健康影响包括压力,心理健康,自我报告的体育活动,心率,凶杀,血铅水平;健康风险包括犯罪,枪支暴力,昆虫媒介,寄生虫,重金属污染和伤害。在实验研究中(n = 11),有73%的研究表明空位的“绿化”改善了健康状况,而18%的研究显示出中性作用,而一项研究则表明健康状况下降。当前证据的主要局限性包括调查的健康结果狭窄,样本量小,
