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Muslim schooling in South Africa and the need for an educational crisis?
Educational Philosophy and Theory ( IF 2.054 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08
Nuraan Davids, Yusef Waghid


Despite unimaginable geopolitical reform and re-humanisation, which saw South Africa transition from colonialism, to apartheid, and now, to a democracy, Muslim education has retained both its character and content. Overdue questions remain unanswered as it becomes evident that while politics and the world of Muslims have shifted – locally and globally – Muslim education in South Africa has remained unchanged ideologically and pedagogically. With Arendt’s (1968 Arendt, H. (1968). Between past and future . Penguin. [Google Scholar]) seminal essay, ‘Crisis in education’, at the back of our minds, we ask whether a lack of crisis in Muslim education and hence Muslim communities in South Africa, is, in fact, its crisis? Has the cocooning of Muslim education rendered its educational institutions and communities incapable of self-critique, reflection and interrogation? The Islamisation or integration of Muslim education, we posit – in light of a skewed understanding and implementation - has not been responded to persuasively. Put differently, Islamisation, as a recognition that a crisis in Muslim education has unfolded, has not been appropriately understood and its implementation seems to have exonerated a crisis in Muslim education to the extent that such a crisis has been subtly ignored. That is, Islamisation itself presented a crisis to Muslim education with very few, if any scholars, willing to engage with it as a crisis of Muslim education, to which we offer a democratic response.




尽管发生了难以想象的地缘政治改革和重新人性化,使南非从殖民主义过渡到种族隔离,再到现在的民主,但穆斯林教育仍然保留了它的特征和内容。逾期未决的问题仍然没有得到回答,因为很明显,尽管政治和穆斯林世界已经在本地和全球范围内发生了变化,但南非的穆斯林教育在意识形态和教学方法上都保持不变。和阿伦特(1968) Arendt,H. 1968年)。在过去和未来之间企鹅 [谷歌学术])开创性的文章,“教育中的危机”,在我们的脑海中,我们想知道,穆斯林教育的缺乏危机以及南非穆斯林社区的危机实际上是否是危机?穆斯林教育的茧式化是否使其教育机构和社区无法进行自我批评,反思和审问?鉴于人们对理解和实施的偏见,我们认为穆斯林教育的伊斯兰化或融合化没有得到有说服力的回应。换句话说,对伊斯兰化的认识是对穆斯林教育危机已经发生的认识,人们对此没有得到适当的理解,而伊斯兰化的实施似乎使穆斯林教育中的危机得以缓和,以致这种危机被忽略了。也就是说,伊斯兰化本身给穆斯林教育带来了危机,几乎没有,
