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Socio-spatial organization reveals paternity and low kinship in the Honduran white bat (Ectophylla alba) in Costa Rica
Integrative Zoology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12514
Edgar G Gutiérrez 1 , Isabela Vivas-Toro 1 , Daniela Carmona-Ruíz 1 , David Villalobos-Chaves 2 , Bernal Rodríguez-Herrera 3 , Melina Del Real-Monroy 4 , Gloria León-Avila 5 , Jorge Ortega 1

Ectophylla alba is a tent-making bat that roosts in mixed-sex clusters comprising adults and offspring. Our goal was to determine the genetic identity of individuals belonging to different roosting groups. We tested the hypothesis of kin selection as a major force structuring group composition. We used 9 microsatellites designed for E. alba to determine the genetic identity and probability of parentage of individuals. We analyzed parentage and kinship using the software ML-Relate, GenAIEx, and Cervus. The obtained relationship probabilities (0.5) revealed a clear maternal relationship between female adults and offspring with allele compatibility, and at least 5 relationships between male adults and pups. We found a low degree of relatedness within roosting groups. Between roosting groups at different sites, the mean probability of a half-sibling relationship ranged from 0.214 to 0.244 and, for full-sibling relationship, from 0.383 to 0.553. Genetically, adult individuals were poorly related within clusters, and kinship as an evolutionary force could not explain group membership.


社会空间组织揭示了哥斯达黎加洪都拉斯白蝙蝠(Ectophylla alba)的亲子关系和低亲缘关系

Ectophylla alba是一种制作帐篷的蝙蝠,栖息在由成虫和后代组成的混合群中。我们的目标是确定属于不同栖息群体的个体的遗传特性。我们测试了亲属选择作为构建群体组成的主要力量的假设。我们使用了 9 颗为E设计的微型卫星。阿尔巴以确定个体的遗传身份和亲子关系的可能性。我们使用 ML-Relate、GenAIEx 和 Cervus 软件分析了亲子关系和亲属关系。获得的关系概率 (0.5) 揭示了雌性成年和后代之间具有等位基因相容性的明确母系关系,以及雄性成年和幼崽之间至少有 5 种关系。我们发现栖息群体内的相关性较低。在不同地点的栖息群体之间,半同胞关系的平均概率范围从 0.214 到 0.244,对于全同胞关系,从 0.383 到 0.553。从遗传上讲,成年个体在集群内的关系很差,作为一种进化力量的亲属关系无法解释群体成员身份。