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Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems II. Blow-up of a complex curve
Mathematische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s00209-020-02681-8
Andrey Gogolev , Federico Rodriguez Hertz

In this paper we use the blow-up surgery introduced in [1] to produce new higher dimensional partially hyperbolic flows. The main contribution of the paper is the slow-down construction which accompanies the blow-up construction. This new ingredient allows to dispose of a rather strong domination assumption which was crucial for results in [1]. Consequently we gain more flexibility which allows to construct new volume-preserving partially hyperbolic flows as well as new examples which are not fiberwise Anosov. The latter are produced by starting with the geodesic flow on complex hyperbolic manifold which admits a totally geodesic complex curve. Then by performing the slow-down first and the blow-up second we obtain a new (volume-preserving) partially hyperbolic flows.



